Dean (liscene to drive)

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Requested by haimmyhaimster
"Reese! Reese!"
You quickly tried to jog away as Dean called your name. Dean was always following you and trying to ask you out. You have to admit he was kind of cute, but something about him just annoyed you.
Oh no,you thought as he caught up to you. You rolled your eyes and turned to face him, "Hi Dean."
"Hey, Reese," he smirked. "You're looking good today." You rolled your eyes and started to continue your walk. "Hey, hey where are you going?" He said, chasing after you with his bike.
"Home," you snapped back.
"What a coincidence I was just going that way myself. Hey what if I give you a ride?"
"Dean, I already told you no. I'm not crashing down a hill." You said, folding your arms.
"Hey, how about we make a deal?"
You raised your eyebrow at him, "Go on."
"If you let me give you a ride and I don't kill both of us, you'll let me take you out."
"And if you crash?"
He sighed, "I'll finally leave you alone."
You smirked and shook his hand, "Deal."
You hopped on the handle bars, and Dean started to pedal. The ride was fine and actually kind of fun until you reached the hill. Instead of being a sensible person and stopping, Dean went full force.
"Omg Dean slow down!" You screamed. You whipped your head to see Dean smiling like a manic and continuing to go faster. "Dean, Dean, DEAN!" You screamed as Dean halted to a stop. You both flew foward and dean ended up on top of you. As he fell on you, your lips crashed into each other.
Never in a millon years would you expect Dean to be a good kisser. That was one of the best kisses you ever had and it wasn't even planned. "Wow," you said quietly to yourself.
"Oh my god Reese, I'm so sorry!" He looked down, "You must hate me."
You smirked, "Hey Dean, a deal's a deal. You're still alive and I seem to be to, so I guess I own you a date."
He looked up, shocked. "Really?"
You laughed and kissed his check before running to your house, "Bye Dean."

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