Chapter 1: School chaos

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my head,giving me a headache. "Stupid fucking alarm clock..." I muttered to myself as I grabbed my phone and turned it off. I sighed and reluctantly got out of bed and made my way to my dresser. I looked at the hideous uniform UA students where expected to wear. I took it off the hanger and went into my bathroom to change. After that,I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth as I yawned. Who's idea was it to make school starts so early. That person is a dick-head I thought to myself,spitting out the tooth paste in my mouth and rinsing it with water. I finished up in the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. "Of corse the uniform has short sleeves. Now everyone is going to ask about them." I muttered to myself. I went downstairs to see my mother geeking at my brother to fix his uniform as my dad made a fresh pot of coffee. "It's doesn't matter old hag! Just leave me alone already!" Katsuki yelled. "Don't you start with me you little- oh good morning Yuni"my mom and brother acknowledged my presences input a pice of bread in the toaster. "Good morning..." I said. My dad handed me a cup of coffee. "What's wrong with your face and arms Yuni" my dad asked with disapproval in his voice. "A young lady as yourself shouldn't show your own injury's Yuni. It draws attention." My mom said. "Knowing you,it's probably on purpose you attention seeking hoe..." she muttered the last part. No one heard it but me. "Now remember not to use that chaos causing quirk of your do you here me? Your going to be a hero,not a villain understand?" My mom said in a stern voice. "Yes ma'am." I grabbed my toast out of the toaster and put some peanut butter on it and stuck it my mouth. "Now get going you two, you don't want to be late on your first day of school." My dad said. "Fine,whatever." Katsuki yelled as he walked out the door,slamming it behind him. I followed and ran up the side walk to catch up to him. We walked in silence for awhile until he decided to give me a "warning" of some sorts. "Don't talk to me at UA unless absolutely necessary,got it?" I nodded as we walked up to the gates of UA,entertaining the school grounds.

~time skip:in home room, class 1~

As we walked into the class, I recognized most of the haired kid got one of the highest scores,along with cold and hot guy. Be and my brother were in the top five as well,but who cares. I mean I probably would have placed higher if I could use blood shot, but whatever. I walked over to my assigned seat in row four, third seat. You know, if Katsuki isn't looking,and mom and dad aren't here,I could practice blood shot. I mean one of these day I'll loose control because it's not trained,like when me and my brother were 5, he kept yelling at me,and I lost control. I screamed as my left arm was cut by the branch he hit me with,so I used that and tried to stop him. Yeah,I ended up putting him in a hospital for 3 weeks. I was taken away from my thoughts of childhood when a round faced, brown haired girl walked up to me. "Hello! My name is Ochaco Uraraka! Your Yuni right?" I looked up into her brown eyes and tried to smile a fake smile,and I guess it worked. "Hello Uraraka, it's nice to meet you." I said. I didn't know how to make friends, because my only friend was Bakago,but you know how that went. Another student cane up to me next. And yup,you guessed it,broccoli boy. "Hi! My name is-"
"DEKU YOU BASTARD! DON'T TALK TO HER!!" My brother screamed from across the room that got everyone's attention. "Uh,my name's Midoriya,it's nice to meet you. I didn't know Kachan had a sister. You look nice though,not as mean as him I hope. I went to primary school with him. I hope we can be friends,Hehe" he whispered to me as he walked back over to his seat. I was furious! Not only does he bully me,but this sweet,innocent kid! I stood up, went over to his desk and grabbed his wrist. I dragged him into the hallway. "What the hell go you think your doing dumbass?! I told you not to talk to me!" I slapped him. He looked at me with anger and surprise. "No,you listen here. Not only are you not allowing me to pick who I want to be friends with,but I find out you've been bullying other people besides me?! That's not right Katsuki!! If you want to be a hero,you don't bully others. You call me a villain,but I think you should look in the mirror. It took me a second to let it sink in until my face showed pure horror. I was proud of myself until I realized what I just did. I looked up into his eyes to see how mad he was. He already had explosives in his hands and he was furious. I slowly backed away,noticing the slap mark I left on his face. Midoriya stuck his head out of the class room along with a yellow haired boy with a lightning bolt and a black harried girl in a ponytail. Izuku saw my face and tried to calm my brother down. "K-kachan,what ever she did,she didn't mean it. Come back into the classroom where we c-can talk this out." He said. "Stay out of this Deku" he said in a serious tone of voice. I noticed a man with long black hair and bags under his eyes walking towards us at the end of the hall. It's the teacher! I thought that maybe he could save me. I was wrong. "I'm going to tell mom and dad what you just did mistake!" He bellowed. "No...p-please" I said. "Get over here right now!" I did the only thing I could think to do. I ran. I ran as fast as I could run. I could hear my brothers insure. Behind me,meaning that he was following me. I heard lots of footsteps so I turned around for a second to see my brother,the teacher,Izuku, lighting blot boy, ponytail girl,and Uraraka running towards us with a couple of other teachers I didn't know. I ran out the door behind the school. It was like a maze of there! I turned a corner and it was a dead end. No!!! Shit,I'm in trouble now! I thought as Bakago turned the corner. "Theres no where you can run mistake!" He said. I covered up my face because I knew he was about ready to hit me,until he didn't. I herd yelling and I moved my arms away from my face to see pro hero All Might restraining my brother! Ochaco ran past them over to me. I had curled up into a bal and was rocking back and forth when she touch my arm. I flinched and moved away,scared of everyone around me. "Yuni, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." She came close to me and hugged me. I hadn't been hugged scene I was 6. I hugged back cried into her shoulder. "Let's go back to class okay?" She said "I sit in front of you,so you can tell me any thing ok?" I nodded. "Friends?" She asked. "F-friends" I said. Maybe there were some trustworthy people in this world.

~time skip:back in home room~

Bakago got in trouble but was allowed back into home room. The teacher who was following us happened to be our teacher, Mr. Aizawa. My brother kept glaring at me from across the room,but I tried to ignore it and pay attention to the rest of class. Mr. Aizawa explained some of the lessons we would have in the future. The one that caught my eye was picking our hero names. Of course I had thought of a name,but not a hero one. My brother had always called me a villain,so I had my name picked out. Blood Spindle. I choose that name because when I use blood shot, ideal it starts with a spindle of blood in my palm,like last night when my brother stormed in. I didn't want to be a villain,but anything was better than being a hero,and having to work with him.
The bell rang for lunch as Midoriya came up to my desk to ask me if I wanted to sit him at lunch. "Um,thank you so much your offer,but I prefer to eat alone." "Okay,uh see you after!" He said in a concerned voice as he ran over to a blue haired boy and Ochaco. I made my way to the door as Katsuki pushed me through,making me fall. "Out of my way dumbass!  wait until I tell mom about your outburst this morning villain freak!" He said as he stepped on my hand on purpose. I recoiled my hand and sucked on it,trying to numb the pain. "That's enough " the teacher said as he got inside a yellow sleeping bag. I walked out into the hallway looking for a curtain staircase. "Basement,gym,training room,first floor,third floor,conference room,fourth floor,fifth floor,ah! Roof!" I said as I looked at the stair cases labels.i went up the roof stairs until I reached the top and opened the door. It was quite,peaceful,and beautiful to be up here. I sat down and looked out into the forest nearby. Hey,what's that? I thought to myself as I saw a fire towards the edge. But there was something wrong. The fire was blue! That meant it was really hot and dangerous! Without thinking, i jumped off he roof to a nearby cherry tree ,using blood shot to swing me towards it. I landed and then climbed down onto the ground. I ran towards the fire trying to find out where the source was from. Apparently I wasn't the only one to see this, because half of class 1-A and 2-B running towards the fire with some teachers. Of corse my brother got there first. "Out of my way mistake!" He yelled as pushed me out of his way. I saw a shadowy figure move behind a tree. Then the blue flames roared even higher, trapping me and my brother in a circle of fire. "What did you?!" He yelled at me. "I didn't do anything! Stop blaming me Katsuki!" He walked over to me and prepared to hit me. Without thinking, I scratched my wrists, opening a cut my brother made last night. I let it fly out and wrap around him so he was tied up. I stood up,a circle of blood surrounding me, as I backed away from him. My eyes tuned even red-er than they originally were. It looked as if my eye color overpower everything else in my eye,making my eyes shines and pupils disappear,leaving just a pool of red. I didn't know what u was doing, I had no control over this power. It all ended so quickly,as I fell to the ground,my blood bands disappearing. The fire moved  out of my vision and did somethingz my brother stoped swearing at me to let him go and became silent,as if he left. I tried to get up,noticing he really was gone. I tried to stand,but only fell again. I was expecting to fall to the hard earth once again, but someone caught me. My vision was blurry,I used to much of my uncontrolled quirk that I was weak. I blinked open my eyes,trying to make out the figure who's lap my head was in. He was cradling me,looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. That's all I could make out,everything else was too blurry. His touch was foreign,but soothing."What's g-going on. I... ugh" I tried to say. "Shh you need to rest." He said his voice soothing. I reached for his face, placing my hand on his cheek,looking up at him. He smirked as he touched my hand,holding it to his cheek. "Who are you?" I asked,confused. "I'll explain everything to you later. I think it's time you got back home."he said. I don't know what happened,but all I remember after that was a purple smoke clouding the area as I passed out,clinging to this stranger as my wrist bleed. Who is this mysterious man? that was the last thing that i thought about before passing out.

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