Chapter 6: what have i done?

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I screamed as I deactivated blood shot,calling it back to circle around me,my eyes pure red again. Why dose this shit always happen in forests?! I ran towards her making sure she was okay. "Y-Yuni-Chan...w-what kind of quirk is that..." she said,walking backwards slowly to get away from me. I would back away too if I was in front of a monster. "Uraraka...I.." I said. I started crying,my red eyes looking at her. I walked forward to her,only a step,when she said, "N-no! Stay away from me!" She said. She started to cry until my brother,Izuku,and Todoroki cane around the corner. "What the bells go- What did you to Uraraka-Sun?!" My brother yelled at me. "W-what's wrong with your eyes,and y-your quirk?" Midoriya said. I slowly backed up. "Mom and dad told you not to use your curse dumb-ass!!" My brother said. "S-she starteled me! I didn't mean it! You know I can't control it Katsuki!" I yelled,tears pouring out of my red pools in my eye sockets. He went to hit me and I panicked. "Don't hit her Kachan! St-Yuni!!! Put him down!!" Izuku yelled. When my brother moved to hit me,blood shot uncoiled from around me and up to his throat. I was choking him while exploding his torso,leaving marks marks everywhere. "Stop it!!!" All four of them yelled at the same time. My brother fell and I realized what I did. "I-I..I'm s-sorry" I said in a whisper. I didn't know what to do. I ran again. "Yuni!" Todoroki yelled. I ignored it and kept running. A person stepped out from the trees and caught me. I struggled for a second,before realizing it was Dabi. "D-Dabi?" I said. "Shhh" he said trying calm down. I crashed into him,crying in his shirt. Then out if no where, I fell. I sat up against a tree,both my hands gripping each side of my head as I rocked back and forth on the ground. The voices in my head wouldn't stop yelling. Your a monster! You almost killed you best friend,who doesn't trust you anymore! "Hey! Yuni look at me!" Dabi said,trying to calm me down. With ought looking up from the spot in the ground I was staring at,I said , "I'm a monster..." I kept saying it. "I'm a monster,I'm a monster,I'm a monster,I'm a monster!" I yelled. I stood up and clug to Dabi. "Dabi I can't do this anymore! I can't take it! Why can't you take me now?!" I asked,crying. "Hey,look at me" he said,his voice soothing me. He looked pained so see the scared and sadness in my eyes. "It's going to be okay. This time,he placed his hand on my cheek and I touched it,moving it closer to me. We sat back down on the grass looking up at the stars so I could calm down. Dabi was leaning against the tree,and I sat in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me,and he let his head drop so he could be on my shoulder. "It's all going to be over soon. You can take a break from society." He said. He kissed my cheek as I snuggled closer to him. He smiled as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "I love you,so much. You make my love livable." I said. "I love you too. I'm glad you were the one I found in the forest that day." He said, I didn't want to move away from him,but I know the pros would be looking for me. "Dabi-kun" I said. "Hmm~" he said,his face buried in my hair. "The pros are probably looking for me,I don't want leave you,but I don't want you to be in danger." I said. He lifted his head and moved it back to my shoulder so I could hear him. "I don't want to leave either,but we're not ready yet. I sense hero's close by." He said. We both got up and dusted ourselves off. I hugged him and he hugged back. When we broke apart,he pulled me into a passionate kiss. He slipped his younger into my mouth,and I happily let him be the dominant one. He explored my mouth witch  his tongue, touching everything he could. I let out a small moan,but I think he liked it ,because he deepened the kiss. After a little while we broke apart. We said our goodbyes and walked our separate ways. Well more like he did. I walked for a little bit,but felt guilty again,so I just sat down and curled up into a ball. I heard voices but they were muffled. I don't really give a fuck who finds me. I just want to stop being hurt all the time. Emotionally and physically. Something touched me,and I was scared,but this time I just let blood shot wrap around the persons arm,so they couldn't move it. I looked up and saw Aizawa. I knew how his quirk worked so I didn't make eye contact with him. I undid blood shit and blew him up a little so he would give me personal space. He looked at me,not mad,not sad,but worried and disappointed. "Yuni Bakago,please come with me. Your not in trouble,we just don't want you in the woods at this hour. Their are "trading activity's" that could actually harm you. Please follow me back to your room with the other female students." He said. I got up and began to follow him,but I didn't want to go back. "I don't think Uraraka-San will want to see me,or he other girls. Word gets around quick for highs schoolers. My brother is probably mad too. I bet Izuku and Todoroki don't want to talk to me either." I w  as l  k Ed in silence until he spoke up. "The students who saw your quirk were told not to talk about it with the other students. I can't promise you that your classmates who did see it won't avoid you." He said. I nodded as I went to my room that I shared with Asui,Jiro,and Mina. They were already asleep so I cracked in bed and closed my eyes. They'll all find out eventually! Uraraka hates you and your brothers going to tell your parents! Even when you go with your lover boy,when you go back,they'll still hate you Yuni! "Get out of my head" I muttered to myself. I soon drifted off into a dreamless sleep,hoping tomorrow would be a better day. Maybe I'll see Dabi again! Who knows?

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