Chapter 8: welcome to the LOV

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I woke up to a whole bunch of noises in my room. I herd giggles and grunts and arguing,all in hushed voices. I sat up and rubbed my eyes,and opened them to greet the day. Instead,my eyes where greeted by a huge pair of yellow eyes and a shriek . "Awww! She's so cute Dabi-kun!!!" The girl with yellow eyes said. "I told you guys to leave her alone. You woke her up dumbasses" I herd a familiar voice say. "Dabi?" I said,nothing he wasn't next to me anymore. "I'm rightly here,don't worry." He says as he stepped out from behind a man with blue hair. "Welcome to the league of villains Yuni. My name is Shigaraki." The blue haired man said. "Nice to meet you" I got up and walked over to Dabi. It's okay to be nervous right now,right? I mean all of theses guys could strait up kill me right now.i tried to stray calm and get a good look at everyone. The blue haired guy was a a little funny looking,but they all did in a way. He has a whole bunch of hair in front of his face,and a whole bunch of hands. "Why don't all of you introduce yourself a like Shigaraki already has." Dabi said as he put his hand around my shoulders. The girl stepped forward. At least now theirs two girls here,hey she was lonely.i thought to myself. "Well I'm Toga, Himiko Toga. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She said as she held out her hand. I shook it,and she smiled,showing her danger teeth. Yep,she's definitely a psychopath or a yandere. I like her hair though. Age has two yellow bun-buns on either side if her head. After her, a guy with a black suit stepped forward to introduce himself. "Sup,I'm twice! And your hot!" He said. Dabi grunted,looking rather annoyed. A second later,the guy looked really embarrassed. "I-I'm Sorry!" He said. Must be his quirk. I. Herd on the news this guy has a split personality anyways. "It's fine" I said. Another man spoke up,but he didn't move. He didn't leave Shigaraki's side. "Hello miss Yuni,my name is Kurohiri." He said. This guy looked even weirder than blue hair. His face was a light portal. I guess that's how I got here in the first place,I guessed they used his quirk for a quick passage. " oh,and this is moonfish. Don't touch him,he bites" Toga said. "Uh,okay...?" I said. "Alright guys,get out for now." Dabi said. Toga whined,but like the others,eventually left so it was only me and my boyfriend. The second he closed the door,he cane over to me,and pulled me I to a passionate kiss. It was wonderful. You'd expect his lips to be rough because of the scars near it,but it's the exact opposite. His lips felt so soft,I could loose myself in them all day. Eventually we pulled away,you know cause we needed to not die from lack of oxygen. "I told you we could be a real couple after I "stole" you." He said. I smiled and nodded. He smirked and dragged me over to the bed. The second I sat down,he pulled me closer to him,hugging me. God I want to stay here forever. It was so nice to feel safe and loved. Eventually he started playing with my hair like always,of course I didn't mind. I just looked into his beautiful blue eyes the whole time. He did my hair into a ponytail that turned into a fishtail braid. It looked beautiful. He got up and walked over to the door. I stayed seated,confused on why he moved. "Go change,and when your done come downstairs. We have a little surprise for you" he said. And like,he was gone. Disappeared into the dark hallways like a shadow.

After I changed,I looked into the mirror. I was wearing a pretty cool outfit if I do say so myself. I was wearing a black skirt,with maroon knee socks. I had on black Jordans and a grey shirt. I also stole on of Dabi's hoodies and slipped it on. It was mostly black,with some red and white lettering on it. In a vertically established of the back,it said-"最漂亮的眼睛流淚最多" which means, " The prettiest eyes cry the most tears" in traditional Chinese. I thought it was a deep message,and a cool one. It was soft on the inside and comfy. It was super big on me,but I didn't mind,it gave me a cute look,y'know? I added a clip to the side of my brown hair. Even thought I was a twin,I had my fathers hair. The clip made the hair style Dabi made even nicer!
Anyways,I headed downstairs to find the kitchen. I saw Dabi,Toga,and Shigaraki sitting at a table,talking about random stuff. The other three guys where no where to be seen. I walked in,and sat next to Dabi,obviously. "Awww! Yuni-Chan you look so cute!!!" Toga shrieked. "Oh,thank you!" I said. I was already starting to like her,even if she was a little weird. But hey,I'd rather be weird than normal. Normal's boring! I began to think about everything that just happened this evening. Their were ups and downs,ok so a lot of downs.

-I get to be with my boyfriend.
-I don't have to deal with my family anymore.
-I don't have to be directed to be a hero anymore either.
-I get new friends who understand me.

-I left all my friends behind.
-i accidentally hurt Ochaco
-I didn't get to apologize to everyone I hurt tonight
- I probably worried my friends
-I probably don't even have them as friends anymore

i was starting to have a panic attack. usually,i take a nice hot shower to deal with them,but this time its really bad. I'll try it though. maybe it will work?

i was wrong.

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