Chapter 7: Taken

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The next two day went by slow. But days go by slow when your alone. Dabi didn't come to visit me again,and Uraraka was avoiding me. Izuku tried to talk to me,but my brother always pulled him away from me. I felt so alone. I'm not the one who asked for a life like this! The hero training wasn't hard,but it wasn't easy either. We all had special one-on-one training but in the same courtyard. Of course,they only bothered to train my explosive quirk. The most challenging thing we had to do before the trip would end was a partner task. Apparently,we would be buddied up,and then go into the woods and face challenges. I was worried,because I knew no one would want to be with me. My only friends were avoiding me, purposely and unintentionally. I knew that at one point I would have to meet up with Dabi,but if I was doing this task,how would I? I put it aside for now,and went to find my brother. I needed to tell him some things before I left him for a while. "Hey,Katsuki..." he turned around,and stoped doing what he was doing. "What do you want?" He asked in an annoyed voice. "I just wanted to tell you that Even though we've had our ups and downs,I still love you. You might not consider it anymore,but your still my best friend." He stayed silent,as if he was thinking. He hesitated before he answers,as if he really took what I said to heart. "...w-whatever.." he said. He went back to doing stuff. He was chopping wood for tonight's fire. I walked away and went to go find Izuku while my brother was distracted. "Yuni!" He whisper shouted from behind a tree. I walked over to him and hugged him. "W-what was that for Yuni?" He asked. "Oh,it's nothing. I just wanted to tell you how much if great friend you are. Because she's avoiding me,can you tell Uraraka-San that I love her so much,and she's the greatest friend I could ever ask for?" I asked. He nodded and walked over to deliver the message. Little did Uraraka know that that was the last time she would hear anything from me in a very long time.

~time skip: buddy task~

I ended up being pared with Asui. Because the whole class had trouble picking partners,he assigned them. Me and Asui began our assent into the woods,with the Bakago-Todoroki team in front of us,and the Izuku-Ochaco team behind us. My brothers team was long ahead of us,probably at the fifth checkpoint at this point. Ochaco and Izuku where behind us a bit,so we where equality spaced out from each other. As we where making our way to the third checkpoint,i checked my watch. Shit,it's almost time! I thought to myself. I grabbed Audi's hand. "Come on, I know a short cut" I said " Okay-Ribbit" she said. Of course I didn't know of any short cuts,I just needed to find the big oak tree. After a while of walking we found it. "Yuni-Ribbit? I don't think we went the right way..." she said. I looked over at her,sad that I went behind her back and lead her into this mess. "Y-Yuni..." she said. I looked around to see purple smoke all around me. Just like in the forest at UA! Some villain must have a "pass-out" quirk. I was wrong. She began to shiver uncontrollably and began to scream in pain. "Asui!!!" I yelled as I ran over to her. Tears began to stream down my face. I don't ever get a break from crying do I?  I put her on my back and tried to find the path. Sorry Dabi,but you have to wait. My friend needs help! I found the path and I gasped. Everyone was on the ground,crying and screaming in pain from the smoke. "No!!" I yelled. I propped Asui up against a tree and ran to Izuk and Ochaco. "Why am I immune to this?! I yelled in frustration,cradling both of their heads in my lap. "Because that's how we designed it." I heard a voice say as I shadow moved out from no where. More smoke and blue flames erupted around my friends. My brother and Todoroki where still standing up,and where running towards me. "Dabi..." I hesitated. "Y-you said no one would be hurt! You lied to me." I cried even more. He moved closer to me,trying to comfort me. "Don't make this difficult Yuni" he said. "My friends are in pain!" I yelled. He's sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this..." he picked me up and swung me over his face was towards his back,my feet kicking close to his head. "Dabi no! Please! Let me go!" I screamed as I cried out to him. He ignored me,but I could tell he didn't like doing this either. Then another smoke color appeared,this time pink. I felt strange,and then I knew what kind of smoke it was. Quirk eraser. It's like Aizawa's quirk big as smoke. I tried to use my quirk,but it was pointless. "Yuni!!!" My brother and Todoroki yelled running towards me. "No!!!" You didn't let me say goodbye!" I yelled. Then,a man with a purple face appeared and opened a portal. I knew this villain,I saw him on tv a couple of times. Dabi walked through the portal with me.  I reached my hand out. "Stop!" I yelled as the portal closed. I opened my eyes to see I was in a bar. Dabi put me down and I began to punch and beat on his chest while crying. I was weak,so it was pointless. "I didn't even get to say goodbye!" I yelled angry,punching him. I slowed down my punches and then hugged him tightly. "I didn't even get to say goodbye. They where in pain..." I whisper-cried into my lovers chest. He tried to calm me down as he stroked my head. "Shhhh." He said. "I'm sorry Yuni, I won't lie to you ever again. It was just easier this way." I nodded and began to blink. I blinked away tears,and tried to blink away sleep. He noticed this and picked me up. We went down a corridor. I saw a whole bunch of villains in a sort of living room,but we walked right past. He opens a door and put me down on a large king sized bed. "This was my room,but now it's our room." He said. I crawled under the covers and closed my eyes,curling into a ball. I felt the bed move,and realized that Dabi followed me and hugged me from behind,laying down with me.I smiled,my eyes still closed as I drifted off to sleep.

"Goodnight princes"

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