Chapter 2:House fight

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I woke up in my room,with a massive headache pounding against my skull. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my arms to see that the bandages I put on because of my brothers beating where gone and healed. Now I had bandage on my wrist. Shit. I remembered what happened yesterday and quickly got up. As I did,a peace of paper fell out of my pocket. It read, "the one writing this is the man who you saw yesterday in the burning blue forest. After you passed out,I brought you home. Your family doesn't know your home,so when you read this I advise you go downstairs so your parents know your okay. Btw,I snuck you in by your window.

Shit! I ran down the stairs to see my dad pacing and my mom drink vodka straight from the bottle. My brother was sitting on top of the kitchen counter,and he was the first to notice my presence. "When the hell did you get home?! We've been in the kitchen all night! There's no way you came through the door!" He yelled jumping off the counter. My mom got up and ran over to me. She hugged me for a second and then slapped me. She yelled at me about the fight me and my brother had early yesterday. Then my father yelled at me for what happens in the forest and being home so late. I told them everything that the man and I talked about and the letter,leaving out the personal stuff like our hands touching his face. My parents looked at me horror plastered all over their faces. " do you not remember what happened yesterday?!" My brother yelled at me. I don't know what it was talking about. My dad walked over to me placing both of his hands on my shoulders " are you sure that's all you remember? You told us the truth right?" He said in a serious tone. I had no idea where they were acting like this, I was confused myself but why would they mad and scared for me? " I told you everything I know. And yes I told the truth what am I missing? What happened that I don't remember or know about?"  I said. Then my brother told me everything.

~Bakago's flashback:after Bakago was tied up by blood shot.~

When my dumb ass of a sister released her devil quirk, I fell to the ground as if I was in handcuffs. I couldn't move, it was annoying! I kept yelling and swearing at her to let me go, but it was as if she couldn't hear me her face had no expression her eyes with pure red. I looked at her. I was angry,confused ,and I have to admit a little bit scared. She had no pupils her eyes were just that, red. Then out of nowhere she started panting,Like she was going to pass out, then she fell. She didn't trip on anything she just fell to the ground, for no reason at all. My restraint released and I got up and was about to go run at her and punch her when something stopped me. Out of nowhere a wall of blue fire came up separating me from her. It pushed me away from her and push me back to where everyone else was. I fell through it,seeing all of the pro heroes and some students from classes 1-A and 1-B. "S-shes still in their! I don't know what she did,but she used her curse quirk!" I yelled. The students looked all confused, but the teachers knew exactly what I was talking about, because my parents told them about Yuni's second quirk. Half the pro heroes got the students back inside the building while the others tried to put out the fire. Me and all the other students went back to our classes and sat in homeroom talking about what just went went down. After school, I raced back home to see if she was there. It's not that I cared for her, but my parents kind of did so I had to find her one way or the other. She wasn't there and for the rest of the day the pro heroes,me, and my mom and dad went looking for her sorry little ass. We had no luck, so when we got home we stayed in the kitchen to see if she would come home on her own. She didn't so we waited until morning.

~ Flashback over: back in kitchen~

I looked at them with a shocked expression. They filled in the blacks after what I told them,so they knew what happens after the fire kicked my brother out. I went back upstairs to shower as the three of them went to go tell this to the pros. Who was that guy,and who lit the forest in fire? Did that guy do it with a fire quirk or something? I decided to drop it and enjoy my shower. The hot water felt nice on my bruised skin. After I finished washing my hair,I kind of just sat there. I let the water hit my face as I zoned out. Why did that man look so amazing. I mean I was a stranger to him,yet we held hands,and he let me lay on him and touch him. He looked concerned and handsome at the same time. But those eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. I began to blush. If only I could reach up and ki- "Hey! Hurry up in there! All might and a few other hero's are here to ask you questions dumb ass!" My brother yelled as he banged on the door. Maybe it was a good thing he was there,he drew me away from my weird fantasies. I got out of the shower,got dressed,and headed down stairs to see a lot of pro hero's and student from UA in my living room. "Yuni-chan! Your okay!" Ochaco said as she ran towards,tears in the corners of her eyes. My mother rolled her eye,as if she was disgusted that I had friends. "Ms. Bakago, we would like to ask you some questions if that's alright." All might spoke up. "Now why don't we start with-" "let's get to the point already. Did you see this man yesterday in the forest?" Aizawa cut in. He held up a familiar picture. I didn't really remember what he looked like,but I knew it was him. I recognized those beautiful blue eyes. "N-no,I didn't see him." I didn't want him to be in trouble so I made up a lie. "Well I didn't see his face,but I did see a figure at the end of the forest. It almost looked like a shadow. He was too far away for me to make out details." I said. Aizawa,All might, and principle Nezu looked at each,nodding in a sort of agreement. "I-if you don't mind me asking,sir,who is that man? Why did you specifically show me his picture?". Aizawa was the first to speak up. "That man is a villain who goes by the name of Dabi. He has a quirk called"cremation". The fire he can produce is so hot,it's pigment is blue. His fire is hotter than Endeavors flames by a long shot,and for a unknown reason,he lit the first right next to UA on fire." Endeavor grumbled something to himself about his flames hotness when All might asked me some more questions. "Your family has told us what happened in the fire circle when young Bakago escaped,but we want to here it from you. The entire story,including your quirk. I looked up stupid him, gesturing him to sit on our sofa to talk. "Well for starters, my brother didn't "escape", the fire pushed him out. It happened so quickly, I fell due to overuse and one second he was there,and the next he wasn't. But what I still don't understand is why someone set the forest on fire,in like the middle of the day?" "Well Yuni, we believe that Dabi and other small time villains are going to make an alliance,called the LOV or leave of villains. We believe Dabi set up the fire to see how the students would react,to see their quirks. We think that he was looking to see if he found potential in any new students" All might said. "Now back to your quirk. Your parents have informed us of the two quirks you have. I would like to know about your second one, blood shot."All might said as I stood up and backed away. "Why,are you going to train me how to use it?" I asked. "That's not a good idea. She has no control over it,and you saw what it did to this dumb little fucker last time" my mom said as she pushed my brother a little. "What did you say?! I'll kick your ass!" He yelled. They kept going at it like normal until pro hero Midnight coughed,to make them stop. "We can't train that quirk,it's too unstable. Why don't just focus on school and not use it,k?" Aizawa said. "Ok". I went back upstairs and yelled into my pillow. Their just like everyone else! They want me to hide my quirk and shut me away! Hero's aren't even better than Villains. They can hurt people and ged adored for it. I decided to start my home work and forget about everyone down stairs. My brother,All might, Aizawa,Uraraka,my parents,all of them I shut out,just for now.

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