Chapter 4: The Deal

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"W-what are you doing here?" I asked as I went back over to him,trusting him for some reason.wait,why do I trust him?! He's a villain! But still... "I wanted to talk to you Yuni." He said. "How do you know my name?" "Well you know my name,why is it weird that I know yours, huh?" I looked at him giving him a 'your not wrong'kind of face. "Honestly,iv been watching you,and your friends are loud. Especially that brown haired girl. Isn't that right "Yuni-Chan"?" He said,smirking. I blushed slightly,embarrassed. I didn't pay attention to it,because I was so happy to see him. "I don't care that you technically kind of stalked me,I'm happy to see you again..." I reached my hand up to touch his face again. "I know you want some answers,so I'll try to explain everything the best I can." He said,taking a strand of my hair and tucking it behind my ear. I flinched slightly,used to being hurt when someone touch my face. He looked at me kind of sadly,but with an understanding and calm look. "I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered,as he began to play with my hair.i let him do so as he explained things to me. "Your teacher was right,I was there that day looking for potential students who interested me. You caught my eye right off the back. You ran into my fire,without even hesitation,even with your dick-head brother. I'm the one who got of him btw. I wanted to help you,but I knew he would tell the hero's,so I eliminated him from the picture. I'm not going to force you to anything you don't want to. That's the last thing I want to have enough forcing going on in your life Yuni. I want to make a deal with you." He said,finishing my hair. He made a flower crown braided to my hair. It looked so pretty,who knew he was good at hair? "Deal?" I said as I layer on him,putting my head in his lap. He put his arm around me,pulling me closer. What am I doing?! Laying all over a villain who technically just broke into my house. We were just sitting on my floor,enjoying each other's company. I wished we could stay like this forever. "Yuni,iv been watching you for the part week,and I am so incredibly sorry for how your treated. I didn't want to get caught,but I wanted to jump out and fight your brother so many times. I understand what's it's like to be in a abusive household. I ran away and became a villain to get back at my stupid fucking father Endeavor. What?! "Your dads Endeavor?! Wait,that means your Todoroki-kun's brother right?" I asked,grabbing his hand for some reason. "Yes,I ran away when he was 4. I was 8 1/2 when I ran." He told me. I felt bad. I squeezed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile. "We all have issues right?" I said. "Yeah,but back to the point,you don't deserve to be treated like this,so I want to make a deal with you." "Go on Dabi-Kun" I said. He blushed slightly at the nickname. "O-oh sorry" I said turning my head to look out my window,putting my hands in front of my face to hide my blush. He moved my hands and turned my head so I could look up at him from his lap. "It's honestly ok Yuni." He said. "So your class and class 2-B are going hero training in the mountains. My group and I are planning to capture your brother for reasons my boss won't tell us. But I convinced him to let me take you too,so you could stay with me for a little while,to let things cool down in your family. What do you think?" I sat up and looked at his beautiful blue eyes. I didn't realize how close we were until our foreheads touched. "Ok. I'll go with you. Just don't hurt my brother. I hate him,but when I eventually go back to my parents,they'll kill me." He smiled,and held one of my hands. "Deal?" "Deal"

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