Chapter 5:Hero Training backfire

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Dabi stayed with me the rest of the day. We talked and goofed around and had a good time. We were snuggling in my bed when I heard a car door shut. Shit I thought to myself. "Mom" I said. Me and Dabi raced to my window to unlatch it. I hugged him before he went through the window. "I'll come back to visit you tomorrow!" He whisper-shouted "okay!" I said. ".Oh,and the third day of training camp,meet me by the big oak tree at 6:25!" He said as he ran out of the window,down the cherry tree outside my house,and into the city. "Bye..." I said. "Yuni! We're home! Come downstairs for dinner."my mom shouted. I flinched as I walked downstairs for dinner.

~Time skip~

Dabi has come to see me everyday for the next couple weeks. I loved being in his company. After school, I would race home to either see him already in my room or waiting outside. My brother never questioned it,because he thought I was doing homework or something. He always hung out with his friends after school anyways,so it was just the two of us. I thought is was funny a 20 year old villain could waste so much time to spend in my company. I mean, I'm just a stupid 16 1/2 year old with no purpose. Some days,we would leave my house and go find an alleyway to practice my quirks. He showed me how to summon Blood shot without having to make a cut on myself or someone else. I only needed to do that if I was in a big fight,so I practiced both ways. It was nice having someone to talk to about things that no one else would understand. From a used kid to the next. Today,we were lying on my bed,reading and on our phones. Dabi-Kun was on his back looking up at his phone as he played with my hair I was laying on his stomach,reading my book for school. "Hey Yuni?" He asked out of the blue. I put my books down as he put his phone down to looks at me. He placed both of his big soft hands Gabon my cheeks. "I have to prepare for the mission. I won't be able to see you regularly for the next week. But don't worry,I'll try my hardest to sneak by to say hi." He said. "Okay" I said,a little disappointed. He sat up,being me with him so now I was sitting in his lap. "Hey,it's only for a little while. Then you'll see me everyday!" He said. I smiled and hugged him,pulling him as close to me as I could. "Your the best. I'm glad your in my life." I said blushing.i pulled away and looked at him confused. He was blushing,but it looked like he was staring at my lips. "Dabi, are you-?!" He leaned closer to me pulling me into a passionate kiss,cutting me off from my sentence. At first I hesitated,but gave into temptation. God,I want this so bad I thought to myself. We pulled back for air looking at each other. "I love you Yuni,I can't help it. I'm sorry,I could stop myself. It's just, *sigh* iv never felt like this for anyone. Your cute and childish,but your badass and can fight. But your also a strong willed person and a fighter." He said. I pulled him into another hug. "I love you too." I said. I pulled away and put my hand in his cheek,and he held it to his face like the first time we met. We spent the next three hours together,cuddling and watching Videos in social media. When it cane tube for him to go,he gave me a quick peck on the lips as he cracked out the window. "I'll see you in a week. Remember,third day,big oak tree, 6:25. After this,we can be a real couple" he said as he winked at me,letting go of my hand as he climbed down the cherry tree. I sighed and slid down my wall,landing on the ground. I never closed the window, hopeful he might pop by,even for a second,to say hi. But he never did. I assumed he was busy "preparing" to steal my brother,and go take care of the Hero's that would be there. I learned in the future that I was correct. I mean, their a small team, going against at lest five pro hero's and forty or so hero's in training,including my brother.

~Time skip:getting on the bus to get to the hero training grounds~

I put my big luggage bag in the back of the bus like everyone else. I kept my backpack though,because I wanted to have my headphones and phone on me. I put my backpack on the seat next to me,so I could sit alone. I looked out the window waiting for the bus to start. I was excited,not just because I got to go with Dabi,but I got to get away from my parents and brother got a little bit. The pros wouldn't let my brother hit me here,they kept close watch on him after what happened on our first day. The bus roared to life as we made our way to the mountains. My classmates played all sorts of games,but I didn't participate in any. I closed my eyes and listened to my music. As I fell asleep,I had sexual fantasies that involved Dabi. I dreamed that we where more intimate. I dreamed that he fu- "Yuni-San wake up!!" Ochaco said as she shook my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked at the tracing camp. Damn I slept that long?! It didn't feel like it,but I kept for a good four hours. I blushed as I got off the bus,thinking about my dream. Stupid! You can't have dreams like that!!! It's wrong,right?! I mean I guess it's normal for teenage hormones,but still! I covered my face until my blush went away. Izuku cane over to me to strike up conversation. "Hey! Are you excited?" He asked me. "Yep!" I said. He gave me a concerned smile. I was confused why. "What?" I said. "Oh,it's just that you seemed to be really out of it,like all week. But I bet this will make it better right?" "Yeah..." I said. He was right, I was out of it this week. I hadn't been hanging out with my friends so much because I was with Dabi,and last week,I really missed him. "Alright! My class,get your stuff and follow me so I can show you your sleeping quarters." Aizawa said. Class 2-B's home room teacher said something similar,leading his class to the opposite side of the Mountain. When we got there,the boys went one way,and the girls went the other. It was a shared building,but split in-two. Half boys and half girls. After that,we made dinner. Maybe it was a good thing I was leaving,because you wouldn't even notice I was gone. Everyone was impressed with my brothers cooking and interested in other stuff. No one noticed I sat by myself on a rock, off to the side. I smiled though. At least their happy. I thought to myself. I brushed the dirt of my dark purple leggings,and my shirt black skirt. I made sure my blue and white hoodie looked okay,and I wandered into the woods. I decided to plug my head phones in,and run them on full blast. I didn't want to hear the world around me. I wanted to drown everybody out. I started walking,getting deeper and deeper into the forest. Maybe I should try to find the tree Dabi was talking about,so I at least know where it is. Yeah,that's a good idea. I thought to myself. I began walking a little bit faster,wanting to find it and go to sleep. Out of no where something grabbed my shoulder. Out of panic,I scratched my arm,deeper than I intended to. I turned around to see blood shot hurting someone,they were screaming my name and crying. Then I realized it was Ochaco screaming.

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