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Hi,my names Yuni Bakago.
I was sitting in my room practicing my quirk until my stupid brother walked in. I shook my hand to wipe away the small spindle of blood,sweat,and fire in my palm. "What did mom and dad say about using your quirk dumbass?! He yelled walking toward me. I instantly covered my face and curled into a ball. I knew what was coming but I still flinched as he began to hit me and use his explosive quirk on me,giving me scratches,bruises and marks all over my body. "Clean yourself up and go down to dinner. If mom and dad ask why you took so long and why your in bandages,tell them you fell off a chair while cleaning. Got it shit-head?" He said to me,glaring at me with the bright red eyes we shared,being twins and all. I nodded as he walked away. I moved my knees closer to my chest as I cried on the floor,curled up in a ball. What did I do to dissect this treatment. It's not my fault I was born with a dangerous quirk.

Let me catch you up on the last 15 years of my life-

When I was born,I was loved by my family so much. Katsuki and I were inseparable and our parents we're so happy with the two of us in their lives. Even though I don't remember when I was born, it was probably the only time I had a happy memory. A happy memory lost in time... Anyways, when me and my brother got our quirks,we were both so excited. It was supposed to be one of the happiest days for kids with quirks. Wrong. My brother got a cool quirk with I mix of both our parents's quirks. Me? I got a nightmare. I had attained a very rare quirk. It was exactly like Bakagos,but with blood. You heard me right. Blood. Apparently in my dads side of the family,once in a few decades,someone was born with a extra quirk called "blood shot". It allows the user to control the blood of others if they have a cut. So if I was in a fight, and my opponent had a cut on their cheek,I could take the books from the cut,and control it at will. So for example,I could make it firm a slender circle around me,and then have parts of it go around their wrists and bound them to the ground like hand cuffs. It was supposed to be a cursed quirk that only showed every 80 years. And of course I got it. Let's just say everything went down hill from their. My own parents where disgusting by my existence. My father was too shy to say anything to my face,but I heard him talk to my mom about it. My mom though,she had no trouble making sure I knew I was a mistake. She never physically abused me,but she sure did verbally abuse me. That's for sure. She caught Katsuki beating me up behind our house once when we were 6, but she scolded him. She hates me,but she didn't want to go to jail for child abuse. He still did though. When I 8, my parents sent me to a boarding school for quirk-less kids in Hong Kong. I wasn't quirk-less,but at least I got to get away from my basterd of a family. You wanna know what I thought was bullshit? They wanted me to be a pro hero and go to UA. They told me not use my quirk but now they do?! It didn't make any sense...

Anyways,me and Katsuki got past the entrance exam and we're voting to our first day of school tomorrow. I got back from Hong Kong 2 weeks ago. Apparently my parents wanted me to use my quirk,but only my sweat-explosion side,like my brothers. I didn't want to go though, I didn't want to be a hero. I had been told my whole life by my brother I had a villains quirk and shouldn't be a hero. Maybe he was right, but I didn't want that either. But no one cared what I wanted. I wanted to be normal. I wanted to have a job, friends,a significant other,pet,and more! But as I said, no one cares what I wanted. I'm just trapped,it's like I don't have my own say. Anyways, I got up off the floor,and cleaned myself up in my bathroom. I thought it would be better if I stoped wallowing in my own self-pity,so I plugged in my headphones and got out the bandages. I put them all over my arms,from my wrists to my elbows. I also had part of my left cheek covers up. I had a whole bunch of bruises, but I couldn't fix those,so I went back to my room and layers on my bed. I herd a bing and looked down to see I revived a text from my mother.

Mom💥:why aren't you down here eating dinner with use Yuni? What's taking you so goddamn long?

I'm not coming down mom. I don't feel good I'm just going to sleep. Enjoy dinner: Yuni💜

Mom💥: fine mistake.

I turned my phone of and tried to go to sleep. But of course,my mind doesn't allow that. And that's when I start to hear it. The voices...
Yuni,tour such a mistake! One of them said to me. Your so annoying and stupid! Your own brother hates you! What happens to you guys anyways,you were so close. Oh yeah, I know what happened. Your dangerous,and that's all you'll ever be. A monster! Stop it! I yelled out into the dark my dark room. Then they just continued,making me feel like shit. You know, another one said to me. If you weren't even born,your family would be so much happier. Your brother is the alpha twin,and your the scrawny little screw up! Stop it! Please!!! I yelled into the dark void known as my room. If my parents were awake,they'd probably put me into a mental hospital. I mean, who yelled out loud to the voices in their head? No one. Because there shouldn't be any voices in people's heads. Stupid,stupid,stupid! They all yelled at me, taunting me because of how foolish I was acting,talking to myself I mean. I put it out of my head and looked at my phone. 4:30 already? I must have fallen asleep after texting my mom and then woke up again. I sighed and closed my eyes again,just trying to get a few more hours of sleep before I had to go to a second living hell.

This will be interesting I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.

1172 words

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