Pan Peter.. Who?

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Peter - why'd you leave? That's against the rules.

Me-  you tried to kill me.. Kill me do you know what that means? Pan why? Why?
* I started to break down.. Tears flooding from my eyes*

Peter - don't cry.. My men don't cry.. And you needed to be taught a lesson... Its pan now not Peter.

Me- I'm not one of your men though, I'm Wendy. Wendy Darling.  The girl you loved.. The girl who knew you not this...

Peter- don't start with this rubbish.. I never loved you.. I don't love anyone.. Love makes you weak.

Me- no Peter love makes you strong.. Its makes you a team, a family.. Even a king is Lonley without a queen. You but live this lie.. This facade you have..

Peter - this is me, Wendy.. I never loved you. Never.. Do you understand... Never.

And with that she left..  Walking to straight to the bed and snuggling under the right side.. He stood there thinking...

And she closed their eyes and tried to forget everything.

The next morning training begun.. I opened my eyes to a brown parcel and a small note reading.

~ might fit. Get changed. Pan~

I put on the clothes, and looked in the mirror.. It was a pair of black ripped jeans, wedged knee high boots, a tight, low cut v- neck. And some bobbles..
I put my hair into a messy ponytail.. And walked to were I was meeting the boys...

I walked into the clearing and everyone stared... Pan clapped his hands and even started to work again..

Peter--Wendy get your self over here.. And pick this up..
*in his hand he held a thigh knife holster and a arrow one*
Pan bent down and wrapped the holster around my thigh and secured it.. "accidentally" running his hand up my thigh.. He put on the arrow one around my top half.. Brushing my boobs and pretending nothing happend.. The fitted each with the appropriate equipment and told me to stand in front of the target..

I fitted the bow with the arrow and aimed at the target.. Pan laughed to himself and murmerd, "oh baby let me help you with that"
All the boys were either talking or watching.. Pan bent me over slightly and bent over me.. Be moved his Hands to on top of mine.. Moving around slightly.. So he was lightly grinding on me.. I moaned quietly and Peter asked, " did you say somthing?" especially pushing himself against me.. I simply replied, " I can do it myself" his final words whisperd in my ear, " baby you look good.. Bet you look better with nothing on" and he moved away..

I lined the bow to my eye and watched it fit the target right in the center, the boys clapped in awe and Peter walked to me and said " for a first time that was impressive, now throw the knife"
I took the knife out of the holster and threw it watching it Pierce the arrow straight down the middle.

"done" I said, "no May I go?"
And I walked  grabbing the knife and putting it in the holster and off In direction of the fountain..

(the fountain a waterfall.. In the center of the island... Best place to wash and chanve but not conveint for women, Bailey gave me directions last time we spoke)

•Mind Games • peter pan and Wendy darlingWhere stories live. Discover now