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I'd been on Hooks ship all day now, the sun was going down and I heard my belly growl, the last time I'd seen Captin Hook, he was trying to kill me and peter and all the lost boys, but apparently everything has changed, Pan was evil, and hook didn't seem like he wanted to kill me again.

I walked out from the room, limping my leg was still sore but it had stopped bleeding, the makeshift bandage just needed changing, I saw a large group of men stood gathering the top of the boat,

CH- well if it isn't our in house, Darling.

the sound of cheering men confused me even more, my head was banging and I was starving.

ME- hey, I don't know what the heck you're on about, but im like starving so can someone get me some food.

all the men laughed and I just stood there.,

CH- making demands are we now.

ME- yes, I am in staving here I haven't eaten and I don't really know where I am or where im going.

Hook laughed, scrapping his hook along the banister, as he walked down the stairs and towards me, he grabbed my hand, and interwind our fingers, I had a little warm feeling in my heart, this was the first time I had felt safe since id arrived in neverland, though I felt i was betraying pan.

Hook handed me a plate of food, and it ate it hungrily.

ME- thank you, Mmmmm.

he chuckled at me, as I filled my face, he patted my thigh, and I shuddered at his touch.

CH- Don't worry, Luv I won't hurt you, can I re-bandage your cut?

I heard the kindness in his voice, and I just nodded, he left for a minute then came back with a first aid kit, and I smiled at him.

CH- pass me your leg.

ME- you don't have to do this, you know.

CH- it's okay I don't mind.

he started unwrapping the fabric and I winced.

CH- ouch, that looks nasty.

I laughed at his reaction, one question lingered in my mind, why was the great Captin Hook helping me?

he ran his fingers on the inside of my leg, outlining each and every scar. I pulled my leg away, insecure of him knowing all my weaknesses,

CH- Hey! don't do that you're beautiful.

ME- beautiful? what are you doing?

CH- I don't know, you remind me, of someone I once knew.

ME- who?

CH- a beautiful woman, with brown hair and alluring blue eyes, Hope, you call her, her spirit was like yours, her beauty was similar.

I could see the hurt in his eyes as he spoke about her,

ME- did she die?

CH- she did that indeed.... she-------

9 years ago-

HOPE- peter! peter!

she ran through the forest laughing, giggling, she ran into the strong body of an older man, a handsome man, he ruffled his ebony hair and licked his lips,

HOPE- oh sorry, Im Hope.

and she shook his hand.

CAPTIN HOOK- Well, Hello, Luv how are you here on neverland?

HOPE- to be honest with you sir, I don't know how I got here, but I met the most marvelous boy, Peter, Peter Pan.

CAPTIN HOOK- oh love, I know from experience, be careful around that, guessing you're the first lost girl then..

HOPE- indeed I am, but im trying to leave, I fear im stuck here, and I really want to see my family.

CAPTIN HOOK- I can get you off this island, but it'll take a while, it's hard to get off this island without Pan's knowledge.

she nodded and noticed the rustling in the trees,

HOPE- hey you, what are you doing on neverland.

and with that he turned away and walked off, she stood there watching him, she didn't believe in love at first, but maybe that was going to change after the rusting stopped she chased after him, grabbing both sides of his face, and kissing him, he pulled away at first, then pushed her against the tree, kissing her passionately, his hands roaming her sides, until resting on her hips, he wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck, he bit her bottom lips slightly and she quietly moaned, she suddenly pulled away, unwrapping her legs and arms, running back towards Peter's camp.

what had she just done? she was with Peter? oh god.

walking back into camp she wiped the tears from her eyes, and peter came towards her kissing her cheek,

PETER- Did you have a good time out, my love?

HOPE- yes, thanks.

and she kissed him walking towards her tent.


CH- and how I met HOPE, the love of my life.

ME- I thought she died.

CH- we haven't that far yet, get ready though Wendy.

9 YEARS AGO----------

HOPE- I think im pregnant.

Hope and Captin Hook had gotten closer in secret, she'd accidentally fallen for the Captin and he had for her, but now she was carrying his child, how does she tell pan,

CH- pregnant? with my child.

HOPE- yes. your child.

when she told peter, he flipped, he couldn't cope she tried everything to reason with him, he was furious, he banished Hook and killed all of his men, she lived in the cage, for months after that, after 9 months a beautiful baby girl was born, she looked exactly like her mother, and she was called Adeline, as part of Pan's agreement, the baby was going to be sent to another realm, a human realm.

HOPE- please peter don't send my baby away.

peter- don't call me that ever again, I could kill this disgusting creature, pray that I let it live, I hate you and it.

she cried and cried, she'd lost everything, and with that, the baby had gone.


CH- a month later, she killed herself, I haven't ever met the child, that why pan hates love and loathes me, he thinks I killed Hope if I hadn't had fallen for her, this wouldn't have happened.

ME- hey don't blame yourself, that wasnt your fault.

•Mind Games • peter pan and Wendy darlingWhere stories live. Discover now