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Before the sun had even arose. I was being shaken I sat up abruptly,
Me- hey! What's up ??
And stood over my hair in a bun and a leather bag swung over her shoulder.
It was tink.
Tink- come on we need to go now
And she pulled me up, and handed my a brown cloak.
I wrapped it round myself and followed her, she led us through the camp and into the forest through an area I'd never been in,
The mucky brown shrubs, the dry dirt not wet, the warm sun hit my skin we only had an hour or so before everyone was up. We treaded through the mud and grime for what seemed ages, we finally reached the beach and tink stood at the waters edge,
Me- tink, how are we getting home ?
Tink grabbed a yellow pink sort of dust from her bag and threw it towards the ocean, she grabbed my wrist and said
Tink- swim okay, to the boat, but quickly.
We swam into the water, I breathed heavily and tried to swim as fast as possible, we reached the boat and it seemed oddly familiar, we were helped aboard by two men, and another greeted us,
Hook- how wonderful seeing you again Wendy and you tinkerbell.
Me- wait your going to get us home, tink you entrusted Captain Hook to get us home.
Hook laughed and think said
Tink- yes. He'll get us home by sundown, we're to leave now.
And off we went I watched as neverland faded into the distance.
After what felt like a few hours past and I'd seen many realms and kingdoms, I finally reached the London docks, I'd never been so happy to see the dusty streets.
I thanked hook and tink but they both went separate ways I walked down the streets,and towards my house, I walked in the door, my mother ran towards me and fell to her knees crying and shouting my father ran after her, both hugging my tight and my brothers ran out.
I'd had missed my family terribly, and my home. We hugged for hours then I had dinner and tried to explain what had happened. I went to bed later that night, snuggled tight in my blankets.
Ahh I sighed I missed the boys or some of them, Bailey. I miss him and I miss peter not pan I miss the Peter I met on my last night in neverland, I reached my necklace and twirled in my fingers.
"Thank you " I said and the warm room faded into darkness.

.3 weeks later.
So after my little adventure, life went back to normal or as much as it could, I moved back into the nursery and started high school, I've not heard from Peter nor any lost boys.

I woke up this morning to the sound of Big Ben, and the happy birds. I jumped out of bed and put on a floral dress and some pumps, I brushed my curly hair and cleaned my teeth, I grabbed my books and went downstairs at the table my father sat reading and my mother had a spoon in her hand and a cup of coffee in the other, I grabbed an apple, I threw it in the air and taught it and it reminded me of Peter, I left the house and walked towards school meeting up with my besties, Katie, Iz, and B.
When we got to school I put my books in my locker and I stood laughing with my girls, we talked about boys but j didn't really enjoy it k was in love with peter but that didn't matter, i haven't seen tink since but I still visit Killian nearly ever week at the docks, and when he is on his travels he brings me something back.
We walked into English and I took a seat and the teacher walked in I grabbed my note pad and pen.
Teacher - good morning students, how are we all??
The class instantly filled with random noise and she shhhhed eveyone, around twenty minutes into the lesson, there was a knock on the door and a boy walked in, he immediately looked at me a smirked, he held a green apple in his hand he threw it in the air and caught it,
Teacher - we've a new student today, his name is...,
And she looked towards the boy,
—-  Peter, Peter Pan.
And my jaw dropped, the teacher directed him towards a seat, he came and sat next to me and I continued my conversation with B, he looked really different a good different a sexy different. But why did he come back ? What did he want?
His words echoed in my ears ringing though my brain" your never leaving" oh god! He moved his head towards my ear and brushed the hair away from it and whispered,

"Did you miss me?".

•Mind Games • peter pan and Wendy darlingWhere stories live. Discover now