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time went by in a blink of the eye. the bell rang, signaling the end of the seemingly never-ending english lesson, and the arrival of students' lunch break. the sound footsteps bounced off the walls as students filled up the hallways, wasting no time in heading towards their lunch with their friends. seungmin was among the mass of students with an excited felix and an equally hyped jisung next to him.

"lixie! hannie!" a voice called out for the boy just when the trio finished grabbing their lunch in the cafeteria.

a cute boy with pink hair could be seen sitting near the windows. the three of them quickened their pace and sat down facing the boy.

"this is jeongin, he's from first grade," jisung introduced the unfamiliar boy to seungmin. the boy gave seungmin a smile, showing his braces. the older of the two couldn't help but smile back, introducing himself to the younger boy.

as the four of them were having their lunch, a shrill voice pierced through the relaxing atmosphere of the cafeteria. all the students put a stop to what they were doing and turned towards the owner of the noise.

"what do you mean you're breaking up with me?!" a blond girl from across the cafeteria screamed at a boy. seungmin recognized the couple as the beautiful boy and the girl clinging onto his arm that morning.

"you heard what i said." the boy replied nonchalantly.

"we were going so well! you- you- ugh!" the girl yelled in frustration, tear tracks visible on her face because of her smeared mascara, and stomped out of the cafeteria with her friends rushing after her.

the cafeteria returned to the state it was before the incident, as if nothing special happened. seungmin tilted his head out of confusion, not quite understanding everyone's abnormally calm reactions.

seeing the question marks that appeared above the brunet's head, felix explained. "that boy is hwang hyunjin, one of the school's biggest heartbreakers. has fangirls and fanboys everywhere."

"he gets confessions from people everyday. chooses a 'lucky one' and takes them out for a date, makes them fall harder for him, then breaks their heart the next day. it's almost like a routine for him, and most of us got used to it."

"however, i've never seen him actually being interested in someone romantically. another heartbreaker is his friend, lee minho, the typical playboy of the school. he usually finds a girl or boy toy, mess around with them, and ditches them for another one once he got bored," felix motioned towards the pretty boy next to hyunjin as he continued.

"shouldn't they learn from the others' experiences that they shouldn't be emotionally involved with those two? they'll end up getting hurt like everyone else," seungmin commented, making a mental note for himself.

"they probably think they're some kind of main character in a story and believe that they can change their heart-breaking ways somehow," jisung said before taking a sip of his iced americano.

"aren't you guys friends though?" jeongin piped up, which made him choke on his. seungmin giggled at his new friend's messy state while handing him a bottle of water.

"i mean, yea, i am. if you look pass those two's...questionable habits, they're pretty fun and cool. plus, chan and changbin are fine," jisung explained after his coughing fit ended. upon hearing the unfamiliar names, seungmin reckoned they were the muscular blond and the boy with eyebrow slits sitting next to the heartbreakers.

"...not gonna lie changbin is kinda hot, but he also scares me a little. i mean, look at his glare, he looks like he's ready to fight someone twenty-four-seven," felix said with a dramatic shiver.

"don't let his appearance intimidate you, he's actually a big ol' softie who gets bullied by me every day," jisung replied with a chuckle.


[ ch. three fin. ]

[ 00:00 ; 2 mar 2020 ]

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