twenty eight.

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seungmin found himself sitting by a campfire his seven other friends, holding a stick with marshmallows at its end.

the moon had long risen by then, with the calming sound of the ocean pushing and pulling by the shoreline in the background, the nine friends shared funny and creepy 'based on real-life experiences' stories.

"...she walked over to the door quietly and peered outside through the spy-hole. all she could see was darkness. she then contacted the security of her building, but they told her that the electricity was working just fine," minho went on with his story about a serial killer.

"then...why..?" jeongin asked, not knowing if he wanted to hear the ending or not.

the older brunet continued, "the killer had been there for ages and was peering into her house the entire time."

"so she was staring at- holy-"

"-okay that's enough for tonight kids! we have to set up our tents now," chan cut in before anyone could start another story.

most of them whined a little, but went over to the oldest, who was carrying their tents. as they set up each of their tents around the fire, they could hear complaints from various boys who had already gotten tired and didn't want to move anymore.

in a moment, they had finished setting up everything and settled down in their tents.

"good night! see you all tomorrow."

"night night!"


in the twinkling of an eye, snores could be heard from some tents.

༄ ‧₊˚

seungmin tossed and turned in his sleeping bag. he had always been unable to sleep in unfamiliar environments. especially places that were not beds.

his sleeping bag made a shuffling sound when he was getting up. he left to search for his best friend. however, he had forgotten where exactly was felix's tent located at.

walking around the tents, seungmin grabbed his hair in frustration as he had utterly no idea where his friend was.

"lixie?" the boy who couldn't sleep whisper-shouted as he peeped his head into a tent which he hoped was his best friend's.

"puppy?" a sleepy voice that certainly did not belong to felix answered.

"j-jinnie i'm sorry i woke you up, i thought you were lixie."

"it's fine, pup. come in, it's cold outside," hyunjin said when he was sitting up. seungmin did as he was told and sat down next to the older boy.

he told hyunjin with a lowered head, "i can't sleep."

"wanna stargaze with me?"


[ ch. twenty eight fin. ]

[ 17:29 ; 16 mar 2020 ]

PUPPY 𖤐 seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now