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seungmin was spacing out in the last lesson of the day. he recalled the time when jisung kindly told him that he had buttoned his shirt wrongly, or when he took his chemistry textbook to history lesson. plus a number of other humiliating moments. he buried his head in his hand, cursing at his bad luck.

the bell rang after three long minutes of seungmin cringing at his embarrassing self. he did not really paid much attention to felix and jisung excusing themselves and leaving the classroom quickly, nor did he noticed the gasps and whispers coming from the his classmates who were leaving the classroom.

the puppy-like brunet walked out of the room with lowered head, still wallowing in self-pity. all of a sudden, and pair of white shoes appeared in his vision.

"what's got you so down, puppy?" hyunjin asked, lifting the miserable boy's chin gently.

"my luck is very bad today. i woke up super late, managed to button up my shirt in a completely wrong way, and did a lot of other stuff that are too embarrassing to say," the younger boy answered with a pout and sagged shoulders, looking like a kicked puppy. hyunjin laughed lightly at the boy's cuteness and ruffled his hair.

"let's go. i'll make sure you're cheered up when we practice," the black-haired told the brunet as they headed towards the dance practice rooms.

honestly speaking, seungmin forgot about practising that day, but hyunjin didn't need to know that.

they arrived the area where all the dancing rooms were located. hyunjin looked around and led them into room 320, which was not occupied by anyone. the duo put down their belongings once they entered the room. hyunjin, who had already changed into more comfortable clothes for dancing, noticed that seungmin was still in his uniform.

"do you have any clothes to change into?"

seungmin searched his school bag without a word, and found the black bag that carried his t-shirt and sweatpants missing. he remembered faintly that he had put it in his school bag, but he was too much in a hurry to double-check that morning. he looked up from his bag and shook his head at the taller boy.

"that's fine, puppy. but it's better to wear comfortable clothes to dance since our uniform is a little stiff, okay?" hyunjin commented with a small smile, which earned a nod in return.

the older boy went to connect his phone to the speakers, playing some music as the two stretched. they had fun singing and dancing along to songs they know, including seungmin freaking out when a day6 song started playing with hyunjin laughing and goofing along with him.

right after their warm up section, hyunjin started teaching seungmin the choreography. surprisingly, the younger was a really good dancer and learned the dance moves quite fast. there were times when he struggled, but with one of the school's best dancers as his partner, he got the moves down in no time. in just a few hours, seungmin had already learnt the first verse and pre-chorus, plus the new formations different from the original that hyunjin had come up with for their performance as a duo.

"puppy? let's call it a day. you look tired enough," hyunjin told seungmin when he was pausing the music. he then drank from his water bottle, sweating dripping down his forehead and neck.

not gonna lie, seungmin had enjoyed the view very much. he watched with pink cheeks — from the dancing, obviously — as the older boy gulped down rest of the water. shaking away his thoughts, seungmin placed his own water bottle in his bag and stood up, ready to leave.

while he was waiting for the other boy to pack his belongings, he took his phone from the school bag.


but, don't the school gates close at 20:30?

"hyunjin, we stayed too long! the school gates have been locked!"


[ ch. twelve fin. ]

[ 01:42 ; 8 mar 2020 ]

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