What were you dreaming about?

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It was hot today. You felt the wind ripple through your hair leaving you with slight recognition of every bead of sweat that had formed on your hairline. You lived alone on Chandrila since you could remember. You took care of yourself, this was your home. Your grounds.

It was bright outside as you lean down to sip murky warm water. It was a training day. Since you could remember, you were taken in by none other than Jedi Master Luke Skywalker And he was more of a father to you than you could ever imagine a father could be. It was nice because you didn't need anyone, but you had him. You had friends.

You were being trained to be a Jedi. Where you would work into the force and control it for good, like master Luke would say, "before it controls you". You always felt power within you. You were never confused on what you'd use it for.

As you were sipping on your canteen, you glance up at your fellow peers. There were 12 total, three boys were huddled together along the grass as if exchanging secrets. Four boys pondered around the stream skipping rocks into the water, childlike, but friendly. You supposed the others had headed up to the temple to meditate after their training.

You glance behind you and your eyes fixed on a boy; brooding and tall. He has thick dark hair that almost looked completely black in the sunlight. His eyes always dark only resembling honey up close. He wore a white robed shirt that showed most of his chest and hung down with spunk. Leaned up against the tree, head hung down, he flipped through the pages of the
Jedi text.

Indeed, not very friendly.

He looked up and met your stare immediately as if he heard your thoughts. You quickly turned away, feeling his eyes on your back like darts.

You remember the first day you laid eyes on the boy who you would come to know as Ben Solo. Son of Princess Leia Organa and battle legend Han Solo. You were five years old, running around the temple making blaster noises. You ran upon a young Ben Solo. Even at five years old, he was still much taller than you.

"One day I'm going to be just like Princess Leia." Young you said in the direction of young Ben Solo. He just looked at you, like he was disappointed in what you had just said. He didn't say much.

In fact, you never said anything at all.

"I have no reason to speak with you," a deep and stern voice echoed from behind you. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, "It's not in the code to make friends. I'd appreciate if you'd keep your thoughts to yourself."

You whipped your head around to see Ben standing over you, almost a little too close for comfort.

"I didn't mean to offend you. It's just... I've— I don't think we've ever gotten the opportunity to formally meet." You could hear the stuttering of your voice as you throw your hand out in hopes of a friendly handshake.

He made eye contact with you, glanced at your hand, then back to your mouth, then worked his way up to your eyes again. The nerves didn't calm down. For some reason you were melting.

It wasn't affable, it was fear.

He subtlety rejected your hand shake. "What are you afraid of?" The tone of his voice now reaching in interrogation.

You moved your arm back to your side and stepped back, a disheartened look in your face. "We all have the power to pick at each others brains, yet we all have the respect not to. I'd appreciate it if you had the same intention." You said with dominance.

He glanced over his shoulder as if to look for a justifiable reason in the air. His eyes met yours again. "I have the intention to practice outside of the temple. I don't suppose you believe everyone is respectable. I certainly don't." His tone worked from interrogating, to almost sarcastic. As if he believed it was a joke.

"I believe my mind is a safe place for me." You said resentfully.

"I believe you should find a new safe place." he smirked at you. You never noticed the size of his dimples, but when he smiled, it felt like someone threw cold water on you. Whatever that meant.

Did Ben Solo just hit on y—

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you."

His puffy lips grew back into a straight line. The mystery welled back up in his eyes. And just like that, he disappeared back into the temple.

Nighttime came fast, you rushed down the corridors and to your room and shut the door behind you. You were exhausted, but still thinking about the interaction you had with Ben.

You raced to get your gear off starting with your robes, it was hot, so every piece of clothing was expendable. You plopped yourself onto the cot and lay your head down in mental defeat. Everyone wanted to know about the mysterious Ben Solo. Why did he wonder what you thought?

As the minutes counted down, you felt yourself falling asleep. In the process you felt an uncertain feelings that someone was there. The hair in the back of your neck stood up. You jilted straight up I'm your bed, hands pulling at the sheets to cover your naked body.

"Whose there?" You stuttered.

Footsteps came close into the reflection of the moon and you could see Bens face clearly.

"Can't sleep?" His voice familiar and still reserved.

You were shocked at his audacity. It was late.

"Well now I can't! What the hell are you doing in here! Get out!" You we're afraid, but some part of you wanted him to be there.

Ignoring your orders, Ben made his way to your bedside where he made comfort in sitting down on your cot in between your ribs and your waist. Like a puzzle piece.

"Why are you here?" You urged.

"Sometimes I can't sleep. My thoughts keep me awake."

"Ben- What do you mean? What thoughts?" You asked with a concerned grimace.

He paused for a moment and looked out to the double moon. The night seemed quiet. You kept your eyes on his face which was gleaming from the moonlight. The light against his face slowly turned into a an orange shadow, flickering red sizzled in your ear as heat flowed through the window. You quickly sat up and looked through the window only to realize the temple was up in flames.

"We need to get Master Luke! Quickly!" Your eyes fixated around the burning temple as you fleed from your cot to get dressed.

You turned around to see Ben standing above the cot, dressed in all black. a fiery red saber shook in his hand and tears had welled up in his eyes.

"I did it for you." He bellowed.

Jilting up from your bed, you looked around your room. But to your surprise, Ben was no where in sight. You were sweating. You woke up in your cot, alone, and confused. You sat up and looked outside of your window to see the Temple in normal condition.

It was just a dream.

All of the sudden, you heard footsteps approach your door. Still breathing heavily, you heard a familiar voice to greet the morning.

"What were you dreaming about?"

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