50. Chapter of Chapterness

267 31 30

1020 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 50k Words~

Written March 1 2020
Posted April 6 2020

Here are some misunderstood cuties

Calm down? There was no way that he could calm down! Kaito's mind raced as he thought about their options. If the Crows were crazy enough to seek out a magic jewel, they'd probably be desperate enough to go after anything that could potentially connect to Kid. The Crows know that Kid had been hurt, and an injured boy so close to the heist, without any identification would draw some attention. At the very least they'd collect prints, and some of those prints could belong to Ginzo, someone who was supposed to be dead.

Ginzo frowned when Kaito suddenly stilled, that was either a good thing, or a bad thing "We're safe" He breathed, shifting his grip on the other so that it would be more efficient if Kaito tried to struggle again.

Kaito shook his head "Impossible, the Crows are everywhere" His words were dull. He'd thought that he'd managed to make Ginzo understand how dangerous they were, how could he think that they were safe? He lowered his head, they'd probably already been found. His breath hitched, it was only a matter of time now until they were killed, until Ginzo was killed. Then his daughter would die, because she was a loose end. The Crows didn't like loose ends.

Fuck, he almost preferred it when Kaito had been struggling. Now the boy was just limp in his arms as his body shook "It's been a week Kaito" Ginzo gripped Kaito's head and forced the other to meet his gaze "They haven't found us" The boy was breathing fast, too fast.

Indigo dilated "A week?" He'd been out for that long? He swallowed, mouth suddenly dry "How?" his voice was small, trembling.

The inspector let out a breath, letting go of Kaito's face to ruffle the boy's hair "Hakuba-san helped, your info is sealed due to him claiming that you're a victim of abuse" Nobody but the doctor and Danashi knew that they were at the clinic.

Kaito swayed a bit, catching himself by grabbing Ginzo's arm, the adrenaline was fading from his system. Ginzo wasn't going to die, he was safe, for now. He let out a low hiss, clutching at his right eye "Fuck..." He wanted the adrenaline back.

"Who taught you such a filthy word?" Danashi mused as he entered the room, it was relieving to see that the boy was up and about.

A crooked smile tugged at Kaito's lips as he pointed at Ginzo with the hand not clutching at his eye "Keibu taught me worse" The man was quite skilled at swearing, especially when he was riled up.

Ginzo snorted, not bothering to defend himself. Kid had really pissed him off in the past, and everyone who knew anything about the heists knew that.

Danashi eyed the inspector before turning back towards Kaito "How do you feel?" They'd already decided that Dr.Kalos would have minimal access to Kaito while the boy was awake. Another person knowing him might unnerve Kaito.

Kaito grimaced "My eye hurts a lot" A mischievous glint suddenly appeared within indigo "I need drugs" He was also feeling a bit tired, but that was fine. Ginzo couldn't help but smirk at Kaito's word choice.

"Your eye doesn't hurt" At Kaito's confused face Danashi explained "It's where your eye used to be that hurts" Hiding the information wouldn't do anything but delay the inevitable.

The boy gently prodded around the bandages, so his eye was gone? He didn't really know how he felt about that "My monocle got shot..." He breathed, he glanced over at Ginzo "How?"

"How what?" Ginzo sighed, Kaito's reaction to the news was kinda lacklustre. There were many things that Kaito could be asking about right now.

"How did I get here?" How was he still alive? He shuddered, remembering the cold, the darkness, the... "Ow" Kaito jolted, squinting at Ginzo. Did the guy just poke near his injury?!

The inspector raised a brow in response, he'd seen Kaito start to zone out. The boy needed to stay in the present "I took the pill and dragged you out of the water" His gaze darkened as he remembered how small Kaito had seemed, especially in the oversized Kid suit once he'd removed the limbs.

"Thank you" Indigo closed, shaking his head as he was reminded of that darkness. He opened his eye to meet Ginzo's gaze, offering a tired but wry grin "The pills had been intended to protect you, but it didn't really work out that way" God he was tired, but at least he was still alive to go after the Crows. He didn't think that he would have survived without Ginzo's help.

"You can't just go and get yourself killed" Ginzo scoffed, crossing his arms "I need to to perfect the cure" It was more than that, but he chose to say the reason that would affect Kaito the most. Truthfully he'd be fine if he stayed tiny after the Crows were gone, he could still be with Aoko then, and Kaito?... He was conflicted when he thought about the boy's future after the Crows. He eyed the boy "Why are you so calm about losing your eye?"

Kaito gave a small shrug "It's just an eye" It wasn't like it's loss would affect anything besides his sight and appearance "I'll just make a really fancy false eye in my lab" A missing eye was a noticeable feature, so he needed to look normal to avoid attention.

"You can't go there anymore" Ginzo breathed, gaze darkening at the thought of the lab "The fumes were affecting your health"

The boy raised a brow "I felt fine so long as I wasn't in there for too long"

"They were stunting your body's growth hormones production" Danashi replied "Do you not want to actually look your age?"

Indigo widened, he'd thought that it was his diet that made him so small "I'm not going to stay short?" His size would have made him a target when he went to jail, any growth was good in his book. He frowned "But I need the lab" For both the cure, and his heists. Ginzo's cure was more important than his height problem.

Me: Something something something, hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

Oh and this ark is gonna be dark~

Hint: Kaito's mental problems

Meow 🐁

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