99. Learning Plans

101 13 14

1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 16 2021
Posted May 8 2021

When Kaito awoke, he still felt sore, he ignored it and got up anyways. He looked at the time, noting that it was nearing the afternoon. The boy grimaced, his sleep schedule was shot, and after all the effort he'd put in to get it normal too... It was disappointing to say the least. With a sigh, Kaito made his way out of his room with the kitchen as his desired destination. As expected, there was something already made up for him to eat, well to be more specific, leftover pizza that he hadn't even known existed. Ginzo must have ordered some while he'd been asleep. Kaito ate two slices of the Hawaiian pizza, leaving the rest to be eaten by either of them at a later date.

After feeding himself, the boy made his way towards the living room "Do you know anything about lock picking?" Kaito inquired.

Ginzo grimaced "I know how to get out of handcuffs" He'd set out to learn after he'd had his own cuffs used against him at heists. Waiting for someone to release him had gotten boring when he could have been doing his job instead.

Kaito blinked "Really?" He hadn't expected that to be honest.

The inspector nodded "I got tired of being stuck whenever you handcuffed me" It was also very embarrassing to have one's own handcuffs used against you.

"Huh" Kaito smiled "And here I thought that the others had just gotten better at locating you" It hadn't occurred to him that Ginzo had been the one to free himself "How long does it take you?"

"More than a few minutes, though it'd take longer if I needed to be discreet" He was by no means a master, but a few minutes was better than an hour.

Kaito hummed "We'll get back to that later then, I want you to learn how to pick the more basic and common locks just in case" Museums had stopped upgrading their average locks since the costs had been getting to be too much. They could keep the average thief out, just not Kaitou Kid "They may seem difficult..." Kaito snickered "But they're basically all the same"

Ginzo nodded "I did notice that the locks stopped changing..." It had been annoying to find out.

Indigos gleamed "I'll give you 4 main keys just in case, colour coded of course" Carrying a whole key ring would be difficult and loud, even with the colour coding "But I'd like you to still learn as a preventative measure"

"Of course you actually have copies of the keys..." Ginzo sighed, feeling a bit miffed at the fact. The owners weren't supposed to just ignore the fact that key copies exist! It went against the purpose of working with the police!

"I think some of the owners know that I do too" Kaito giggled "Less potential property damage this way I guess" He offered shrug "Anyways, I'm going to make sure that locks will be no problem for you at the heist" Kaito was not going to allow Ginzo to get arrested for him, even if it wouldn't put him in danger.

Ginzo squinted suspiciously at him "You make it sound so easy" The locks were bought to stop Kaitou Kid, there was no way he could learn it in time.

"The lessons are mostly just a safeguard for if something goes wrong and you get captured or something" The boy admitted "You might lose a key while I'm preoccupied, you won't have to be fast" Kaito offered him a smile "I'll keep the distractions up until you've gotten away so taking a few minutes per a lock or to find a better route won't hurt" Indigos gleamed as Kaito suddenly held up a weird device in his damaged hand "This thing can vibrate locks until they click, it can be loud though so I'd need you to signal me to make lots of noise"

"I see" Ginzo accepted the device as Kaito held it out "Why do you even have this?" Kaito was already a master at picking locks.

"... Some locks need two hands and I occasionally get injured in ways that prevent me from getting past them" And blood could make things too slippery "Using it stops me from pushing my injuries"

"Okay, what else are you going to teach me?" The inspector inquired. He wasn't too worried about getting past locks with all of the other's plans.

Kaito grinned "I'll teach you how to navigate vents silently, it looks really simple but it's not" The task force members that'd tried the vents had been loud, avoiding them had been way too easy.

Ginzo grimaced "But I won't be small at the heist"

The boy raised a brow at Ginzo's comment "I make myself bigger at heists remember?" He propped his hands on his hips "It will be the most important thing that I'm going to teach you for the heist since you won't be out in the open" Ginzo's role was one of stealth, his own was to avoid the gem and be a good distraction.

"I suppose they won't be too dusty or filled with spiders..." At least not compared to the vents of buildings that don't hold gems.

Kaito shivered "Lucky you, I dislike crawling through spider webs" Even cobwebs were gross "It was pretty bad when I first started"

"...That sounds horrible"

The boy nodded "It was, I kept feeling spiders that weren't actually there crawling on me" The feeling only really stopped once he bathed himself "Sometimes I'd ignore it, only for a real spider to show up"

That sounded very unpleasant "I am very grateful that you've already removed the webs" Ginzo breathed.

"Yeah you'll be fine, unless you take a path that I've never taken"

Ginzo blinked "Those exist?" He'd have thought that Kaito would know every inch of Japan's museums.

Indigos narrowed "Upkeeping strange routes served no purpose other than needless discomfort" It just wasn't worth the unease. He wasn't scared of spiders... He just hated the feeling of webs and spiders crawling on him real or not.

"I see..." Ginzo grimaced "I'll try not to take such a route"

Kaito grinned "Smart choice, I'll give you a map to help" 

Me: Gah... Phantom spider feelings... Berry dislikes

^-^ Comment?

Still wondering if I should murder them to end the book or have them live for a potential sequel °3°

Hmmm >.> *Isn't feeling too motivated to write the sequel that's been in my head for over a year*

If I kill them then I'd have more time for videogames and reading 0.0

I could replay my Tales games as I await Tales of Arise >o< *Buzzes with excitement* Maybe I'll do Berseria first then Graces...

>^> and get my butt handed to me in Graces... Even with new game+... Why is that one so hard!?! QAQ

>~< I can make this go either way with the plot I've set up

Berry's cherished games... The characters... >^< It's playable anime, They make me feel so many emotions, even for characters I don't care about

 >^< It's playable anime, They make me feel so many emotions, even for characters I don't care about

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