85. Devil's Deal

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1029 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 4 2020
Posted January 2 2021

The girl smirked, easily dodging Kaito's clumsy grab at the jewel "The gem's collected power has already been used" She then eyed Kaito with a curiosity than made Ginzo feel uneasy "If I hadn't been in the vicinity, I would have never noticed the aura" Kaitou Kid, the man who was surprisingly the same age as herself, piqued  her interest. Her gaze slid towards the other male, his energy didn't match with his form. Red gleamed, it seems like she's found some interesting people.

Wary of how the girl seemed so calm, Ginzo gently pulled Kaito closer to himself, away from the girl "What are you even talking about?" He bit out, keeping an eye out for any other intruders.

"I go by Koizumi Akako, and I'm a red witch" Akako stated "I sensed two sources of magic, so I decided to investigate"

Kaito blinked, a witch. Wow, who would have thought that they'd meet one on the same day they realized that magic gems did in fact exist? The obscurity of the situation was enough to snap him out of his shock "Wait" He tilted his head "Two?" Nervousness pricked at his senses, was there another magic gem nearby? What if it was just as dangerous as the Mermaid's Heart?

Ginzo's gaze narrowed, more alarmed at the answer. The so called witch had given Kaito a look that he didn't like "So? Go investigate the other gem, leave us out of it"

"I'm afraid not" Akako purred, not showing her surprise when neither of them reacted to her charm spell "Kaitou Kid" Kaito stiffened at the address "I would like to make a deal with you"

"I'm pretty sure that making deals with witches isn't recommended" Kaito replied with a polite bow, not wanting to anger a witch.

"Smart" Akako nodded her approval "But if you don't accept, I'll have to make you submit or kill you" The one known as Kaitou Kid had the potential to become a threat, the chance was slim, but it existed. A ring of fire suddenly surrounded them, blocking their escape, trapping them with her "So would you reconsider?" Her smirk darkened "It would be easy to raise the heat to more dangerous levels" As it was, it was just lingering at near uncomfortable levels. For them of course, she was fine.

Oh, veiled indigos widened, this girl was really dangerous. Kaito inwardly grimaced, he needed to buy enough time to get out of this "I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least hear what you have to say"

Ginzo frowned, realizing what Kaito was trying to do. He just couldn't see a way out without at least getting burned.

Akako smiled, looking deceptively friendly "You have a power, one that's extremely hard to detect" A power that she wasn't going to allow grow, or at least not without being stunted first. She ignored the incredulous look the two of them gave her and continued "You can release the magic of items that have stored it"

"So it was my fault that he died..." Kaito's gaze was downcast, hands clenched.

"The gem would probably still have had a few more decades before becoming primed for release" The witch shrugged "You just made it happen sooner" She didn't care about pointless deaths that didn't affect her.

Kaito bit his lip "Oh" He didn't know how to feel about that.

"I am still growing in power, I want you to seek out magical gems, and give them to me. I will absorb what magic essence I can, and seal what I can't take in" She could go after Kid's power, but it wasn't even properly active.

"Why the hell would he give you more power?!" Ginzo argued, it would be stupid to empower someone so dangerous.

"I second that" Kaito nodded, what would someone like her do with Pandora? It was too scary to even think about.

"I won't gain the abilities of any magic gems, just some of the magic strength" She cocked a brow "I'll also not take whatever gem it is that you're after" Red eyes gleamed "To make things better for the two of you, I'll even enhance Kid's ability so that he's able to sense magical items" In return for destroying every other bit of magical potential the other may have "Oh, and I guess that I'll also promise not to harm you or your loved ones so long as the deal is kept"

Oh, Ginzo did not like the obvious curiosity on Kaito's face "Kid" He warned.

Kaito frowned at the warning before turning towards the witch "What happens when I find what I'm looking for? I won't have any reason to keep stealing" He then grimaced "I also can't have you damage any gems or actually keep them" He didn't want Kaitou Kid to become a real thief.

"I'll take a gamble and hope that you don't find your target anytime soon" Akako paused "Your part will be complete after you find what you want" She wouldn't lose anything with this, and if he does find his target next, then at least she would have already crippled the other's magic. She couldn't sense magic from items unfamiliar to herself yet, so using Kaitou Kid could work.

The thief was silent for a few moments "Fine, I accept" He hadn't managed to figure a way out of the magical fire anyways. He suddenly winced, letting out a pained whine as he clutched his chest. Cold sweat already coated him.

"What did you do?!" Ginzo's words were a snarl as he watched Kaito sink to his knees, breathing heavily.

Akako smirked "I just sealed our contract, don't worry, he should be mostly fine afterwards"

"Mostly?!" That didn't sound good.

"His magic no longer has the potential to develop. Sensing magical items will be the only thing he'll be able to do" Akako teased, only a tiny sliver of regret tugging at her. She had done what was right and neutralized the threat, Kid was lucky that she didn't know how to make his true abilities bloom enough for her to steal. Death by magic loss was never a pleasant thing.

"It's fine" Kaito breathed, still in pain "I can't mourn something that I never knew I had" He didn't want Ginzo to anger the witch.

Me: Akako has no connection to Kaito, so she's more cruel~

And I managed to explain why magical things happen to him often when it comes to gems in my fics while at the same time making it so things involving His Magic can't happen... She only noticed that detail due to her being close by~

•3• ... I can build my multi-verse foundations even more with this... Even ironic change had a faint hint of connection to His Feathers, very vague though

Hope you enjoyed~

On an unrelated topic, I was thinking about fanfic ideas yesterday and made myself really depressed •^• They were just, so sad... Horrifying

... I want to write it, but am too intimidated since the story idea is 4 books, the 2nd and 3rd of which would be written at the same time...

Awful idea >^<... It made me depressed for the rest of the day, a heavy feeling in my chest at doing all that to Kaito

And no I'm not telling you guys, just in case I somehow work up the strength and courage to write it

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