Chapter 10: I can love you more than this

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Rachel’s POV:

I got my outfit ready and had quite natural make up on. Then the door bell rang. I sent Stella to open the door, because I wanted to have that Disney magic moment, where the girl comes down the stairs like a princess. Yeah I’m kind of too romantic for this world. I heard Stella saying “Rachel’s coming.” And I opened my door. I looked down and started walking down the stairs. Zayn stared at me. “Hey beautiful.” We hugged “Hey Zayn” He held out his hand like a gentleman and I took it giggling. “Have fun!” Stella said. We went into Zayn’s car and we drove to a kind of park.

Then he stopped the car. We got out and Zayn got a blanket and a picnic basket. “Sit down” he gestured me and I sat down on the red blanket. He sat down next to me and got some sandwiches out of the basket. We ate them, talked and laughed.

It got a little bit darker and Zayn got 2 candles out of the basket. He lit them on and put his arm around me. We laid down together and cuddled a bit on the blanket. “This is so cozy” Zayn said. I snuggled even closer to him. “And so romantic”

Zayn’s POV:

Should I ask her to be my girlfriend? No. I can’t do it. We talked about every possible stuff. Harry and Diana. “We were Directioners for so long, you know?” She laughed. “But the hardcore ones.” “I know, but it’s so hard to believe that you were kind of that screaming girl with fan merch and stuff like that” I grinned. “Nooo I never was the screaming kind! But I still love One Direction and I was sooo obsessed with you guys! Do you know how excited we were when Sina told us about the M&G?!” We had a great laugh. “How’s Niall?” She asked me after a while. “Still not that good. Better, after you told him that she likes him, but he is scared, that he’ll lose Sina to Luke.” I answered. “Tell him, that he needs to fight for her. She’ll love something like a song dedication to her or something” She told me. “You comfort him a lot” I smiled. “You’re such a kind person, I can’t imagine you being rude” she cuddled even closer to me than before. I love cuddling with her so much. “You’re right,” she started laughing, “I was always shy and nice, I can’t be mean, even when I hate someone.” We talked and talked, and soon it was 10pm. “I need to get you home” I said. We got back in the car, and I drove her home. I went with her to her doorstep and I kissed her forehead there. “I had so much fun with you” I said. “It was the best and most romantic date ever, Zayn. Thank you so much” She smiled. “I hope there will be an even better one soon” I answered and leaned in. You can do this, Zayn. Kiss her. Our lips touched, and so did our hearts. She smiled while we kissed. That’s the best thing that can happen, I thought. I read that on Facebook. “I love you.” I whispered after the kiss. She looked up to me and smiled even more. “I love you too.” She opened the door. “Bye Zayn” she said. “See you soon” I answered and watched her go in and close the door. Then I got in the car myself. I could still feel her smile, her lips pressed against my lips.

Niall’s POV:

“We kissed.” I read the text message Zayn sent me. “She smiled through it and I told her I love her. She told me too. Still didn’t have the balls to ask her to be my gf :(” “But you kissed ! Congrats !” I responded. They kissed. Just like Luke and Sina. I watched their video collab the other day. I have to admit they would look good together. “Rachel said, you need to fight for her, she’d love something like a song dedication!” Zayn texted me. There I knew what to do.

The next morning I called Rachel. “Niall?!” “Hey Rachel” “Hey, how are you?” She asked me with a slight concern in her voice and also quite confused. “Uhm okay I guess, but I need your help. Where are you right now, and uhm who’s with you?” I asked her. “Just with Nicki I’m in my room, the others are at University right now. Why what’s up?” She asked me. “I can’t tell you why and you can’t tell Sina that I called you, okay?” “Okay” She agreed. “Where is Sina’s window? Like Uhm which window is it on which streetside?” I asked her nervously. “It’s the one left from the one above our door.” She answered. “But why??” “Can’t tell you, sorry. And when is she alone in her room tonight?” I asked. “Well since we all have to get up pretty early tomorrow for university, I’d say around 11:30pm” She answered me, still confused. “Thank you Rachel, you’re a true friend! I’ll thank you in my wedding speech!” Then I quickly hung up.

Around 11pm I parked my car two streets down the road. Then I took my guitar and walked to the girls’ house. There it was. I could quickly find her window and I could see her shadow in it. There was a street lamp so if she would open the window she would see me.

I threw a little stone at her window and began to play the chords and sing:


I’m broken, do you hear me?”

Sina’s POV

I heard guitar. And Niall’s voice. Oh my god. I opened the window. Niall stood there with his guitar singing!

“I’m blinded ‘cause you are everything I see,

I’m dancing alone, I’m praying that your heart will just turn around.

And as I walk up to your door my head turns to face the floor

‘cause I can’t look you in the eyes and say”

I could hear Nicki, Rachel, Stella, Diana and Nicki coming together in Rachel’s room next to mine.

“When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won’t feel right, ‘cause I can love you more than this, yeah

When he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don’t feel right, ‘cause I can love you more than this –can love you more than this”

I couldn’t stop smiling. Niall’s solopart.

“If I’m louder, would you see me? Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me? ‘Cause we are the same, you saved me, when you leave it’s gone again.

And then I see you on the street in his arms, I get weak, my body fails, I’m on my knees, praying”

I quietly sang along.

“When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won’t feel right, ‘cause I can love you more than this, yeah

When he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don’t feel right, ‘cause I can love you more than this, yeah.”

I teared up.

“I’ve never had the words to say but now I’m asking you to stay for a little while inside my arms. And as you close your eyes tonight, I pray that you will see the light, that’s shining from the stars above.

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won’t feel right, ‘cause I can love you more than this, yeah

When he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don’t feel right, ‘cause I can love you more than this –can love you more than this

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won’t feel right, ‘cause I can love you more than this, yeah

When he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don’t feel right, ‘cause I can love you more than this –can love you more than this”

I left the room and ran down the stairs. I didn’t care that I didn’t have shoes or socks and that I was in my top and short sweatpants, I slept in. I ran outside to Niall. I jumped on him, he carried me, we hugged and I wrapped my legs around him. Then we kissed. I felt every single happy emotion one can feel through our kisses. I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me and whispered “I love you” About 50 times. Then he let me down. “I love you Sina” he said. “I love you, too, Niall” “I love you so so much. I can’t lose you to Luke. I need you. I need to have all of your heart” he said “You have all of my heart, Niall” I smiled. We went in together. We sat down on my bed. “Please be my girlfriend, Sina.” He asked me and looked at me askingly with his blue eyes. “I will be your girlfriend” I told him. We kissed again. And again. We didn’t stop until Niall realized his guitar was still outside. Then I started thinking at Luke. But not in that kind of way anymore. I had my prince now. But I still didn’t want to hurt Luke. Niall came back in and put the guitar in the corner. We cuddled on my bed and soon we fell asleep.

The Advantages Of Being A Youtuber (a One Direction, 5sos and Youtuber Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now