Chapter 11: Milly moves out

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Sina’s POV:

The next day I woke up and directly looked at Niall’s blue eyes staring at me. “Good morning, princess” he smiled. I remembered what happened yesterday. “Hey” I smiled, too. I sat up on my bed but Niall kept laying in bed. “Hey,” I hit him with my pillow. “Get up prince, let’s make breakfast!” There he got up. Of course.

We went downstairs, where Nicki, Diana and Milly already sat on the sofa, each with a sandwich. Of course, the 3 of them got up early. “Morning” they grinned. “Hey” we said and went in the kitchen. I made us cheese sandwiches and put them in the grill. We waited for them to finish and we just stood there hugging and cuddling whilst standing. Then Niall’s phone beeped. “Oh the boys sent me messages last night!” Niall said. “Man where are you?” I read. “Are you still at Sina’s?” Liam wrote. “Why the fuck did you scream I’ll be at Sina’s yesterday and where are you??” I read Louis’ message. Niall called his own house, where the boys still were. “Hello?” Harry picked up. “Hey Harry, It’s me Niall” “GUYS IT’S NIALL!” Harry shouted, “Where have you been?” I took Niall’s phone. “He came and sang “More than this” to me.” “Awww” the boys said. Niall took the phone again. “I’ll be back after breakfast, sorry, I forgot messaging you” “Alright man see you” “Bye” the boys said goodbye.

The cheese sandwich was ready and we sat down next to Diana, Milly and Nicki. Then Rachel and Stella joined us. “Hey lovebirds” Stella grinned “Niall, the serenade was SOOO cute! I wish a boy would do something like that to me!” Rachel smiled. “I’ll tell Zayn,” Niall laughed. “And Rachel thank you for everything!” We finished our sandwiches and after a while Niall said: “I have to go now, Sina” “Okay Niall” I said and stood up to bring him to the door. “Bye Niall!” The girls said. “Bye girls” He answered. He took all his stuff. “Bye princess, see you” “Bye Niall” I said and we gave each other a peck on the lips.

When I came back to our living room Milly was in her room and the others just talked. “I wish Zayn and me weren’t that shy” Rahel said. “Although we kissed and we told each other I love you, he doesn’t ask me to be his girlfriend” “We could invite the boys over and stuff!” Diana said. “Yeah let’s just hang out loads with them so he isn’t shy anymore” I agreed. “Let’s invite them Sunday!”

Stella’s POV:

“But  the 5sos boys too!” I said, wanting my boyfriend to be with me, as long as he was in London. “Yeah. I want to spend time with Ash, as long as I can!” Nicki agreed with me. “But guys- I don’t know what to do with Luke, I don’t want to ruin the friendship but I don’t want him to be hurt…” Sina’s look got concerned. “And I also don’t want to ruin Luke’s and Niall’s friendship!” “But you have to tell Luke.” Rachel said, “Yeah otherwise he’ll just walk up on you two kissing or something that’s even worse!” I added. “Yeah I know…” Sina said.

“Let’s invite them all on Sunday!” Diana said. We all were okay with that. “I’ll go and ask Milly if that’s okay with her.” Sina asked. “Yeah I’ll come with you” I said. When we left the room I linked my arms with her. “Maybe I can ask Michael if he can help you with Luke” I told her when we arrived Milly’s door. But then we heard her talking.  “That Calum guy, yeah… We’re already in magazines! I told fans we like each other a lot! … HAHAHA yes, I don’t even know his last name… He’s that Asian guy from 5 seconds of summer. Celine, I will be fame in a couple of days!” Sina and I looked at each other shockingly. Then we rushed inside. “You stupid famewhore” Sina hissed. Milly opened her mouth in shock. “Don’t even TRY to lie” I told her. “Get out of this apartment TODAY. Don’t even dare talking to Calum ever again and fucking get out of our lives.” Sina shouted. We left her room again. We went downstairs and I told the girls everything. Sina was too mad at Milly to even say something. She ran upstairs again. “FUCKING PACK YOUR STUFF AND GET YOUR SHITTY ASS OUT HERE” She screamed. She shut the door loudly and ran downstairs again. “URGH. Do you remember hating all those famewhores who tried dating our boys?! I can’t believe she’s one of these. Call the 5sos boys over, they have to come right now.” Nicki said. I called Michael. “Hey babe!” He answered his phone. “Michael. You need to come over with the other boys. RIGHT NOW. I can’t tell you, just come over.” “Alright, we’ll be there in a minute” I love my boyfriend. He didn’t even ask why.

“Sina you don’t tell the boys what happened. You’re too hateful right now.” Diana decided. Sina nodded “I can’t do stuff like that either” I said. “Yeah me neither.” Rahel added. “Diana you, you do it.” Nicki said.

20 minutes later 4 boys rang the door. Sina went and opened the door. “Hey come in.” She said and hugged them, but you could still see the same amount of hate in her eyes. Of course – Ashton sat next to Nicki and gave her a peck, just like Mikey gave me a kiss, but when Luke looked for a place to sit next to Sina she quickly sat down between Diana and Calum “Where’s Milly?” Calum asked. “You don’t want to ask that question ever again after we tell you what happened.” Sina said. Calum’s eyes widened in shock and the other boys looked at each other in surprise.

Calum’s POV:

Diana started to talk. “So… I’ll just make this short. Milly is upstairs and she will leave the apartment today. Because she uses you for your fame, Calum.” She said in a soft voice. I felt numb. Rachel and Sina began stroking my back, comforting me. I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t feel anything. Everyone looked at me. “We heard her saying that she already is in magazines and that she doesn’t even know your last name, she will be famous in a second… She’s such a bitch” Nicki said. “What a fucking cunt.” Mikey said, extremely loud, and I could hear the hate in his voice. I didn’t know how to react. “She’s just another whore trying to get attention, you know Calum, but you know that you’ll find your princess very soon and you know that the 5sosfamily has got your back, just like we’re here for you.” Rachel said. Then I finally felt something. No, everything. I felt hate, sadness and anger. “Whatever, it didn’t really feel right with her anyway” I said finally. “You have the power of fame in your hand, Calum, but also the power of hate. Be rude. Let the 5sos family destroy her!” Sina said, just as hateful as me. “It’s just so fucking sad, that everyone tries to use me… It’s like I’m not even a human being anymore! I’m so tired of girls trying to get famous by going on dates with me!” I let it all out. “I don’t even know if I can trust someone anymore…” In that moment, Milly came downstairs with some suitcases. We just stared at her, how she managed to get all her stuff down. “I just…” she began. “GET OUT!” Sina screamed and Milly opened the door. A girl and a boy were standing there. “You can get my stuff in the car, I’ll just get my mattress down.” She said to them. An hour later she had all her stuff, her mattress, her table and her shelf in a huge car and drove away.

Luke’s POV:

After Milly left, we decided that we didn’t wanna talk about anything that happened anymore. Poor Cal, he didn’t look happy, but he said, that he never really liked her in that loving kind of way.

We ate some lunch together, of course Pizza, and we decided that we would stay at the girls’ house until band rehearsal’s began around 3pm. After we ate Pizza and then – talked about Milly because Calum seemed sad all the time, Sina came to me whilst the others were cleaning the Pizza stuff and doing the dishes. “Luke… We need to talk” She said. We got in her room and I sat down on her bed. “Luke I don’t want things between us to get mixed up… And I know you like me” she started, oh-oh didn’t sound good. “yeah” I just answered, afraid of what comes next. “I don’t want to ruin our friendship and I don’t wanna ruin the friendship between you and Niall.” Shit. I don’t want to hear it. “I am in a relationship with Niall…” My heart shattered into millions of little pieces. I couldn’t talk. “I just wanted to tell you… I hope you know that I still like you and I want us to be friends, Lukey.” I love when she calls me Lukey. My eyes started tearing up. “I’ll fight for you.” I mumbled and left her room. “I think it’s time to go” I told the boys and they looked at me knowing something happened. We left and we hugged everyone goodbye. Mikey kissed Stella passionately and Ashton kissed Nicki. What would I give to kiss Sina like that right now. “Luke please don’t be sad” Sina said as I hugged her. “I’m happy for you.” I answered

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