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4 days. 4 whole days since he saw or heard from Charlotte and Henry was driving himself crazy. When she left the restaurant that day she really didn't look well. He heard from their friends that she was doing well and just needed the bed rest and he felt a little better. But it was different from actually hearing her voice. He missed her like crazy.

He wasted to call but his fear and guilt made it difficult so he always just listened to what they said in the Mancave and consoled his heart with that.

The fact that none had confronted him about his lie of having called and spoken with the person in question told Henry that Charlotte had lied too or not complained. And that alone confirmed to him that something was very wrong.

She was in deed avoiding him. And that hurt.

Where had it all gone wrong? He never should have arranged that vacation. Charlotte would have still been happy to sit home and binge Dog Judge together. But no he just had to do too much and ruin what was supposed to be a perfect weekend. He just had to drink so much, loose control and_

Just the thought of what he did that night had Henry over the toilet pot retching his dinner as tears streamed down his face.

Once he was done he sat back in his heels and sobbed.

How on earth could he do that? How could he do that to the woman he claimed to love? Intoxication was no excuse. Forcing himself on her like that....

"You don't want this...." The broken memories played in his mind. "Henry no....... wait stop!"

She had begged. She begged me to stop and I just....Oh God.

He was back over the toilet again.

All that blood in his sheets.....He had refused to think of it till the broken memories began to hit. He had never known he was capable of being such an animal. When had his obsession gone out of hand?

He only felt a little reverence in the fact she hadn't said anything. Maybe to protect his reputation as superhero? Or just to avoid the breaking up their group. That was Charlotte. Always the gatherer. His beautiful Charlotte. She was there. So close yet so far away.

He wanted to talk to her. Beg her. Blame her for coming to his room that night. Beg her to forgive him. Anything! Anything! To ease the pain and guilt.

But he was scared. So scared of how she will react. And break this fragile unvoiced agreement. He was scared of if their friends came to know.... His family.....Oh God he didn't want them to look at him like that. He didn't want them to shon him.

Henry began sobbing again, sitting on the cold hard floor of his bathroom rocking himself.

That wasn't him. That wasn't who he was.

Charlotte I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Baby I'm sorry.


It was solid one week now and Charlotte had decided to return to work. Despite her bitchyness, Claire( the pharmacist) had been very good to her and she had apologized for her words. The woman didn't even bat an eye buying her more cake and told her to feast. For the day mind you. Always on doctor mode.

"Poor baby you gon need more meat on those bones of you gon do this."

That woman's grand kids were definitely spoiled rotten. She could bet on it.

All in all they separated on good terms. Could you believe she just found her go to pregnancy reference? Mrs Bolton was going to throw a fit if she ever found out he daughter chose a stranger to rant to about her first grand baby.

Our Hearts in Two. (CHENRY )Where stories live. Discover now