2: The Note

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Tension was high at Hogwarts as the first Quidditch game of the season was quickly approaching. Usually around this time, Oliver Wood gets a little crazy. It's Gryffindor v. Slytherin, and you can't imagine what he would be like if they lost. All this preparation for nothing. Still, you laughed at him getting all hectic and practicing non-stop. Luckily for you, you could see the quidditch pitch from your window. You see them practicing all the time, early in the morning and late at night.

You quietly criticized his plays, but didn't dare speak up. He'd turn on you in a heartbeat. Having played both Slytherin and Gryffindor before many times, their plays are awfully similar. And, now that Marcus Flint is captain, you don't really know if it's gonna change. You and Marcus talk occasionally, mostly him telling you Gryffindor is going down and then it's you. But recently he told you that he'd been watching them practice is is making plays with the information he gathered.

You'd say that's cheating any day, but it's Gryffindor and knowing them, and knowing Oliver, they would probably have a backup plan in case of this. Flint also told you about some strategies they're gonna use when he goes on about beating Gryffindor. You took note of this, for when you have to go against Slytherin.

While in Charms class one afternoon, Oliver taps you on your shoulder.

"What, Wood?" You say, not looking up from your work. You know he's sits directly behind you.

"Can we meet up at the library after this if you aren't busy?"

You sat up straighter and ignored him. You wanted to say yes, but you couldn't let him think it was gonna be this easy all the time. Besides, he hadn't even said please. You just continued to listen to Professor Flitwick talk about accio. Eventually you felt another tap on your shoulder.

After not replying again, he passed you a note.


You sighed and wrote a quick "fine" before tossing it back at him.

By the end of class, you earned 25 points for Ravenclaw and successfully brought a book to your hand within 1 good try. You packed up your stuff and started to head down the hallway, towards the courtyard. You felt a hand grab your arm, though, and you sound back around.

"What, Wood?"

"I thought we were going to the library?"

You sighed. You'd forgotten and had been rather excited to finish up this book, but still you let him lead you towards the library.

You could only guess what he wanted to talk about; quidditch, Slytherin tactics, advice on quidditch plays, who knows. He finally brought you to a small table near the back, a place you two used to meet up when you were in 1st year.

You sat down and he sat across from you, a grin on his face.

"So, how've you been?" He said, as though you hadn't stopped talking at all.

"Cut to the point, Wood. I haven't got time to listen to your small talk."

It came off a lot more rude than you meant it to, but it worked out because he got right to the point.

"Fine then, you know Flint, right? You guys are friends?"

You snorted, "I wouldn't say were friends but I know him, yeah."

"I've had a feeling he's been secretly watching our practicing, and I figured, since you two talk, that you would know."

You sighed, shaking your head. How were you not surprised?

"Listen, Wood, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. I like people to trust me, and if I go telling you all his secrets what kind of trust would that be. So don't ever ask me questions like that again, about tactics, his plan, anything."

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