8: Awkward Event...

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(A/N: ok so I know I said Connor was a year younger than Y/N, but for the sake of my sanity, we'll say he isn't. We'll say he's two years younger. So he would have been in the 2nd year with Fred and George. Ok thank you for coming to my Ted Talk SMH.)

A woman comes out of the fireplace, and right behind her was...

"Wood?" Me, Percy, Michael, Connor and the Weasley twins all said it at one time.

Our families looked at each other, and Oliver was dumbfounded.

"Oh, I suppose you all know each other from Hogwarts." His mom says.

"Darn right, best Quidditch captain Hogwarts has seen in ages." Fred said, him and George swinging their arms over his shoulders.

"Debatable." Everyone looked at me as I said that, and I shrunk down 6 sizes.

His mom straightened her back, "and I suppose you're Y/N, the one my Muffin's been writing to all holiday? The Ravenclaw Quidditch captain?"

"Yes ma'am, that'd be me."

The Weasley boys who knew me looked at me shocked, but a smirk grew across the twins faces.

"Now now, kids. Go play or something."

Kiera and Ginny ran up to her room, Connor, Fred, and George (all in the same year), went to his room, Michael stayed with the adults and Oliver and Percy awkwardly followed me to my room. Before I went down the hallway, my mom stopped me.

"I don't care if he's in love with you (points to Percy) and you're in love with him (points to Oliver), you will not do anything foolish. Understand me?"

"Of course, mom. I wouldn't even think of it!"

I trudged down the hallway and swung my door open, the fresh scent of bunny poop hitting me.

"Ughh, Kookie." I quickly cleaned it up while the boys came in my room and looked around.

When you walk in, straight ahead is my bookshelf full of books and nicknacks, next on the wall to the left of the door (wall in right next to the door), there's a tall adjustable lamp, and a small couch. To the far right against the wall and near the corner is my bed, a window on the wall straight ahead of the door and in front of my desk, which is full of Hogwarts textbooks, parchment, and all sorts of things. At the end of my bed against the wall is my dresser, and to the left side of my bed is a nightstand with an old lamp from my childhood. On the wall to the right of the door is the bunny cage, and next to it in between the dresser and the cage is a closet without a door.

"Sorry, room's a bit messy at the moment." I say, trying to make my bed as best as possible.

"Your room has a lot of black... And dark blue." Percy says, pulling at my dark blue and bronze curtains.

"Yeah, I know. Ravenclaw pride, baby."

Oliver looked at me as I said baby, but I just stuck my tongue out at him. The atmosphere was definitely tense. I wasn't sure why Oliver didn't seem to care for Percy at the moment, but I had an idea.

"Well, you can cut the tension with a knife it's so thick."

The boys both chuckled a bit and Oliver picked up a book on Quidditch, sitting on the couch and flipping through the pages.

"It's cool in here, my dad would go bananas." Percy said, and I let out a small laugh.

Oliver looked as though he was holding back an emotion, so I plopped down next to him.

"It's alright. It's cozy, and comforting."

Percy looked over my head, and only then did I remember the records above the couch.

"Oh yeah! These are my favorite bands. Some of my favorite songs, favorite albums, etc."

Oliver looked above him and stood up to get a better look. "Neat. Really are a music junkie, aren't you?"

"Music is everything that makes me happy. It's one of the only ways I know how to connect emotionally or express my emotions. It's also a good outlet, I just love it."

They both nod in interest. At this point, we all sit in a triangle on the floor and just talk. We're all friends here, Oliver and Percy are roommates and they need to make up anyway. Me and Percy have been friends for a while, and me and Oliver just rekindled our relationship.

Everything was nice and calm, until the Weasley twins and Connor came busting in and had evil looks on their faces.

"Connor, what have a said about entering my room? Behind the line."

I stood up and made all the boys stand behind the line I had taped to the floor of the doorway.

"We just put a beetle in Michael's juice," Connor said, a smirk growing on each of their faces.

My face lit up and I rushed out behind them, footsteps behind me signalling that the other 2 boys also came.

We all watched in secret as he went to take a sip of his drink and...

He spit it out, orange juice everywhere, shreeks and laughter filling the room.

"OH MY GODRIC IT CAME OUT OF MY NOSE!" He said, panicking and running his face under the drain.

I high-fived the 3 boys and escaped with the older 2 before my mom noticed us.

We sat back down, still laughing.

"Wow, Percy. I didn't know you found your brothers funny ever." Oliver said after containing himself.

"Eh, I usually don't. But Michael deserves it. Just like that gravy boat deserved to hit his head."

I snapped my head towards Percy. "You actually saw that?"

Percy nodded, and so did Oliver.

"Who do you think dragged you away before you killed him?" Percy said, Oliver looking away with an unpleased look on his face.

"I really didn't know what was going on. I was so disturbed that he would ever do that, it's so crazy. Yeah, he's mean, but that... That was something else."

Oliver put a comforting hand on my arm, to Percy dissatisfaction. We spent the rest of the night just talking before the guests finally went home. As I was going to bed that night, I noticed two notes on my nightstand.

"This is for your wall of pictures your friend have drawn you/notes they've written (above and all around the bunny cage.) Y/N, you're one of the smartest, prettiest people I've ever met. Keep up with everything you do, and I wish you nothing but the best.
-Percy Weasley"

I smiled and taped it on the wall, then went back to read the longer one by Oliver.

"Percy suggested we write a note for your wall, so here I am, writing mine. Y/N, you're brilliant, funny, absolutely amazing at Quidditch and really anything you do, you're beautiful and kind yet still ruthless when it comes down to it. You've stood by me even when I didn't deserve it, and even though we're "enemies", I'm so glad I met you. And I'm so glad that we've rekindled our friendship. Never be afraid to talk to me about anything, I'm always here, no matter when or where. Keep being you, doing what you do best, and I hope you'll stand by me for a long time. Forever Good Wishes - Oliver Wood."

I smiled at this note and taped it to my wall. I fed Kookie, Thumper, and my new owl, which I named Quinn, after all the suggestions from Oliver and Percy.

I went to bed, really happy with the way the day went as Thumper curled up next to me. Only then did I noticed the familiar smell of Heather. I searched everywhere for the source, but only smelled it when I laid down. Thumper smelled it, too, and sniffed around my pillow. I lifted it to see a piece of a Heather shrub and a sticky note with a smiley face on it and the initials "O.W." I taped the sticky note and the Heather to my wall, and went back to sleep, the smell filling my whole room now and thoughts of Oliver comforting my mind.

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