New life

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As I woke up form laying next to the sweet smell of Noah Flynn it's are last few nice days before it gets crazy we started college this week I don't want to leave him again it all just got back to normal

He baby as he kissed me on the lips the sweet smell of Noah Flynn hey love I say back I'm going to miss this he got an apartment close to college I'm going to transfer to Harvard next year for now I'm going Boston college the 2 best school here only 25 minutes away form the house

"What do you want to eat for breakfast babe" Noah asked "some eggs please" I say back "really just eggs com on" his reply was I couldn't help but laugh at that "yes" I say

We didn't do that much for the rest of the day I got a FaceTime call from Lee we talked for an hours then he got an call form Rachel and hung up on me right away Noah feel asleep so I watch some YouTube and ended I falling asleep until I felt some one wrap there arms around me I knew it was Noah and I like it

"Hey love" his soft voice hit my neck "hey how was your nap" was my reply "it was good how was your talk with Lee" "it was nice we hung up an hour I think "ya" "yup then I feel asleep when I put YouTube on anyways what's up" " nothing I was thinking you want to go get something for dinner" Noah asked I was so happy then he said "with Amanda" his face went into a have grin it's only be a few moths since me and Noah got back together but with a full smile on my face I said "let's go"

He planted a soft kiss on my lips how could he be so good at something so simple and then we got dressed and ready to go

The kissing booth 3 happily ever afterWhere stories live. Discover now