Finding out the gender

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It's been a few months now me and Noah have been trying to get thing to ready for the baby we haven't had are honeymoon yet but I mean it's not that big of a deal I'm 6 months pregnant and today we find out the gender of the baby today I really hope it a baby boy and Noah wants a girl he says that she will be a daddy's girl and then he would have tow daddy girls whatever the baby is I will be happy they appointment at 2 so Noah was going to pick me up at 1:30 so we can go the baby was all ready kick mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep Noah always holy my belly my mood swings aren't bad that's not Noah says but it fine I'm fine we're fine it's all good Noah finally called me "hey babe" "hey" "I'm on my way I will be there in five" "ok see you then" it's all ready winter and it cold but the only things that fits me are dress's or Noah's clothes.

"Elle are you ready to go" Noah called from the kitchen "ya just about" I walk up to him and have him a kiss "you ready to find out the gender of that baby" I asked Noah "I'm excited I can't wait now let's go" as he rushed me out we got in Noah car and we talked I was feeling the baby kicking as we pulled up so to the parking lot we walked in and the doctor was all ready for us to go in "so you ready to find out the gender" she asked before I was able to say anything nosh got ahead of me "ya but I know what it is it's a girl for sure" "he's been saying that the hole time but it's a boy" we got in the room the lady put the cold gel on me and she moved around "and congratulations it's a baby girl" I can't believe we are haven't a baby girl I can't believe Noah was right
"Elle where having a baby girl" "I no I can't wait" we got some pictures of the baby are baby girl I called every body that was family and I did a gender reveal on Facebook and instagram means Noah have been looking for a.

House but I think we will just stay in the apartment we have another room but now I can't walk to start making my baby girls nursery "hey Noah can we stop by target I have to pick up some things" "Elle are sure you don't want to go home and rest" "Noah it won't be that long" "fine can't you tell me why your going" "so I can pick up some baby girl stuff" "ok that's a good reason do you want to pick up the baby crib toady" "ya why not ok" we walked in and I head to the baby stuff and I picked out a lot of baby things Noah picked one out that said daddy's girl he really liked that on he ever said it will be her first outfit we head back home we got dinner then we called it a night.

Hey guys sorry I haven't
been active but everything that's been going on it's been crazy but thank you for everything

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