The last part

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"Elle hurry up we're going to be late" Noah said from the kitchen "hold on Noah you try getting a 1 year old ready and then yourself" we drove from my dads house to the beach house and it was so beautiful "holy shit Noah it looks so nice" "Elle not in front of the baby" "oh ya sorry I forgot" Noah told me I can't say any bad words in front of that baby "Noah it's so I just have no words" "ya just you me and Joni" me and Noah random Joni and I'm happy that this is happening I love were my life is going to be good now me and Noah for ever I can all ready see Joni playing with her tony me and Noah sitting

The next morning I made breakfast and it was amazing to have my own house with my family "I finally put Joni to sleep" "come on elle let's spend time alone" "oh Noah I'm so tried" but I couldn't finish Noah pulled me in and started to kiss me we started to take off are close and we finally had some alone time let's just say last night was amazing Noah even let me sleep in and took care of Joni so could sleep he made breakfast to "oh Noah you didn't have to do all this" I said with a smile "I know but I wanna to" and then I hear a knock oh the door "I will get" I said a start walk up to the door when I see the blue car and I feel like I know who it is "hello" and when I see him he give me a big hug "hi elle have you been to busy for me now that you can't even call me" Lee said "of course not Lee" "do you even remember the last time we talk" but before I could say anything Noah comes walking in with Joni on his hip uh think god I did not want to answer that question the last time I spoke to Lee was 2 months ago I'm such a bad friend but with moving and finding a job and Joni it so hard to keep up with life and people you don't see on day to day I feel so bad because I would not be here with out Lee in my life.

"Hey little bro" Noah said "hey Noah oh look how cute Joni has got in she so cute I could just eat you up"Lee say "Joni can you say hi" I ask in a cute voice she "hi" her little sweet voice but then we hear another knock at to door "oh ya" Lee says I brought someone I open the door to se Levi there "so first Lee you leave me with all the bags and then close the door on me I took Joni from Noah "Noah can you help him" ya I got it I will bring the bag to you and Lee's old bed room from when we would stay here" "he elle you remember me" l felt even more bad because it been a year since I talk to Levi I'm a horrible friend "I know I'm such a bad friend" I said "it all good I know you have been busy" Noah came back down "so Lee how long you staying" Noah ask "just for week if that good if that good with you guys" but before I Noah could say anything I said "that would be perfect how about we eat and then head to the beach" noah took Joni and walk to the kitchen "that sound good lee" said "I'm down" Levi says so we walk to kitchen and Noah makes more food for them and Lee and Levi play with Joni "look Noah perfect baby sitters" I said we all laugh.

We get ready to go to the beach I just put a top and shorts on and a little bathing suit on Joni Noah puts his swim shorts on and Levi and Lee have there bathing suit and there ready to go we take the path to the beach it was a nice day out and for the rest of the week we almost did that same thing there time was coming to end and I felt sick towards the end but I kept pushing to hang with my best friends they do so much I just had to this one thing for them but then as soon as we said are goodbyes and a cried when me and Noah walk in I ran to that bath room I felt so sick and I didn't know why Noah walks in "hey you ok" " ya I think I just ate something and it didn't go right" "oh ok if you say so" Noah said and walked out but that hole week I was so sick and then it hit me I think I missed my period so I got my keys and went to the store but when I walked out Noah stop me "were you going" "I have to run to the store for some stuff" "oh I need to go to let me get dressed" oh no what if he sees me grab the test we got to the store l knew what Noah was going to get so I had a little a plan.

We got to the store I put Joni in the the cart he what "I have to get is on the opposite side of what you need so you take Joni and I will be right there ok" I said but then Noah asked this "how do you know what I need" "Noah I live with you I always know" I said "fair point" he said and started to walk I ran to the pregnancy test got on went to self check out and then went to the Target bath room and took the test so Noah would not see I but the cap on and put everything in the trash and I put the test in my pocket of my jacket and walk to Noah "did you find your thing" he asked "uh no I couldn't find it we were on the way home from the store when I couldn't say quite I wanna to see what the test said but I wanna to see it with Noah we we're almost to the house so I waited until we were in the drive way.

"Hey Noah" I said really quietly "ya Elle" "what would you do if I was pregnant again" I asked "I would do that same thing as I did and be there for you every step of the way but why do you ask" he said "will I think I'm pregnant" "you think did you take a test" "ya that's what I went for Target got a test and took it there I haven't see what has said yet" "why didn't you tell me elle where is it" "right here" I pulled it out of my jacket and we saw it the tow lines were having a baby.


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