The beach house

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Joni mostly slept so me and Noah where able to get the sleep we need I was able to get Amanda over to see the baby "Elle she so beautiful" "thank you" i didn't tell Noah that Amanda would be over so when he got up "hey Amanda" Noah said in a sleepy voice "hey Noah" she didn't even look up at him her eyes where locked on Joni "Amanda" I said "ya Elle" "I know we only have been friends for a little bit but well you be Joni god mother" "oh elle I would love to" Joni had Lee has her god dad Noah had a look on face but changed it really fast once he saw that I saw him give a look "Noah can you make Joni a bottle" I asked so he can go away he did Noah was being kinda rude after Amanda left "Noah" I called from the kitchen he was holding the baby "ya Elle" "you ok you seem a little off" I said trying not to come off rude "I'm fine I just have some news that I wanted to tell you but I just don't know how your going to like it"

"Noah Flynn what is it" "um so you see the beach house well my dad put it up so I kinda might have bought it" I was in shock "Noah you bought a beach house" "ya I did" "for what Noah why did you do this" "well you said you wanted to move but then you asked Amanda to be Joni god mother so now I don't know" Noah had a point I did just make friends with Amanda "wait what about Harvard" "that the thing Elle I'm just not liking it any more I could just do I some where else or do it from LA" "so you have a plan all worked out" I asked why would he do this right when Joni is here "ya I do elle I was just thinking about how much we loved the beach house and we were there almost every summer it would be nice right?" He asked and I would really like it so out of impulse I said "holy shit Noah I would love it" so forgot that Joni was there he gave me a look "I mean poop" we both laugh he is such a sweet hart.

I was happy to be with Noah and I was happy to have Joni with us and Noah is a really great dad I still can't believe that we have baby together me and Noah have had some good times at the beach house it is one of my favorite place and it holy in hour away from are family so it's perfect

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