The fight 

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"No elle I'm not going to let you push me over I'm you husband now not a boyfriend god damn it I'm sorry you don't like that people I are make sure your ok" he had a point but I didn't make it look like he was right but I didn't want him to be right so I storm away to the baby room and I sat in the comfy chair in the room and cried a lot and I don't understand why I was fine I was mad but it was the baby that was sad and could feel it Noah walked in "Elle I didn't mean to make you cry" "you didn't Noah" I said "Elle then why are you still crying" "it's the baby I can't help it" we walked closer to be lifted my shirt up "I'm sorry baby girl for yelling I didn't mean to make you scared" he put his hand on my belly and she kicked it made me feel a lot better Noah does have a point and I need to say something before it's to late "Noah I'm sorry your right I know that your only looking after me I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry to Shelly there could have been a better way to look out for you"he said it such a sweet voice and I could tell that he meant it "Noah that's still no way form me to get upset for you just looking after me your right we're not boyfriend and girlfriend where husbands and wife" I said back in way that he could see that I missed up not him I have to understand that we got married and now Where having a baby together and we're both in college not near family that's close and I should be asking for help and not being scared because that what Noah is for to help every step of the way and that's what I'm here for to "how was work Noah" I asked to make everything feel a little bit better "it was good not a lot of people came in to day" we went back to are room he got in so comfy clothes I got bed and we both laid down next to each other and for once it felt a little bit better like now we are husband and wife and it feels way different.

3 months later

I'm officially 9 months pregnant I have been in in out for the hospital and now it's summer and it getting hot and I'm ready for this baby to come out I'm no longer walking around the house making dinner or driving because it all hurts so I Netflix and chill with Noah by my side it was nice out side for once it wasn't so hot today so we went to the beach I got in a bathing suit I put a long shirt on and there we were Noah set up the chairs for me sit down we were meting up with some of Noah friends "are sure your ok I stay here if you want" "Noah I'm fine go have fun" "ok Elle if you say so" we walk in the water and he looked so hot me and the baby girl were sitting getting are vitamin D a lot of Noah friends came even Amanda "hey elle" she said "hey" I replied "how is everything with the baby" she asked "good I'm just ready for here to come out" "have you thought of any baby names yet" "nope to yet but I'm thinking to go with my moms name."

"Elle that really sweet" Amanda said "ya I really do miss I wish she could see me go to college and the wedding and the baby" "Elle I know one thing that she would have love the wedding" Amanda came to the wedding with her new boyfriend he is really nice he came to the beach today me and Amanda are really close she throw me a baby shower and we got a lot of stuff and now the baby room is a all done "the baby loves the sound of Noah's voice she kicks when she hears him it really cute" "that's sounds so sweet" Amanda said "hey I'm going to take a dip in the water want to come with" I was really happy she asked because I really did want to go in "ya let's go" I said all excited as we were walking I could see Noah and could see me we smile at each other and then out of no where my water just broke I looked at Amanda who was jumping up down "it's time elle" she said Noah can running towards me the everything was going by so fast and it hurt next thing I knew we were at the hospital and I was having the baby.

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