"i miss you jerk"

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Noah pov:😍

"ok be safe don't do anything stupid" elle says before i leave the house and go to Boston for tow weeks "ok mom" i say and kiss her on her forehead and wave and get my uber to go to the airport i have been in the uber for like 20 minute and i get a call thinking it elle i answer without looking at the caller id "hello handsome" i hear a familiar voice "hi Amanda" i say "what time are you coming" i look at my watch "i don't know maybe like 1 o'clock why whats up" i ask  "ok i was just going to come pick you up when you got here" me and Amanda talk until i pulled up to the airport we said are goodbyes and then i texted my mom and elle that i was made it to the airport and i was going to shut off my phone i was finally on the plane i didn't sleep that last night and i could use a nap i can't lie i miss my kids and my wife.

"sir we are here it time to wake" i hear a voice i see a woman talking to me "okay thank you" i wake um get my bags and walk out and see Amanda with a sight that say 'Noah Flynn' and a captain hat on i could help but chuckle "welcome sir we have a bag of chips in the back for you and you can expect a 30 minute drive" she say in a serious voice we got in we talked and the i turned my  phone an d texted elle first and asked how the baby were her texted sound kinda off but i shrugged it off of maybe and she was sleeping or takeing care off the kids.

we finally pulled up to the old  apartment mane this is bringing back a lot memory we walked in and i saw Amanda boyfriend cooking in the kitchen i guess they lived together now oh her boyfriend name is Sam he ok i guess expect that he cheated oh her once and she still with him but if she happy i'm happy for her we had a good dinner i called elle when  i got in bed but she didn't pick up i went to bed because i had class in the morning all i want are my kids and elle in my arms but i will see them soon. 

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