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It's been a few weeks and me and Noah have all ready been getting the baby nursery ready I want her room to be sunflower themed I have all ready got things from amazon that will be coming in today Noah has the week off from school because he is a head in all his classes so he goes to work at 3 and don't come how until 1 am I try to wait up for him but I never can we have the crib set up but she probably going to sleep in a bassinet in are room for a while I made Noah and me some lunch "thank you elle form making me lunch you don't have to" "it's fine Noah" "Elle your acting like your not caring my child" "are child and your acting like I can't still do thing even if I'm pregnant" "come on Shelly I'm not" "oh really let me tell you Noah you willet next drive or cook or take a shower lees then 10 minutes" "that is Noah true sometimes it 15 minutes" "see" "ok fine sometimes I can be a little bit over protective but your having are baby girl"

"I understand but Noah I can still do the same thing when I wasn't pregnant I mean I'm almost 7 mounts pregnant and I still got it" "ya and Shelly that means your getting closers to having the baby" and noah did have a point I was having the baby soon and once again Noah was looking at me with that face where his eyes are locked on mine and his small is in the sweet grin "that's how you got me pregnant Noah" we both laugh the Noah was off to work a few hours later so I got in bed and went on my phone put one some Netflix and then next thing I knew I was sleeping I was so peaceful I was sleeping the baby was sleeping the was Noah that kept checking on me until I kept hearing my phone go off I just kept ignoring until it got annoying the was 10 text form Noah 3 missed calls 6 text from Lee and 4 miss calls I called Lee back first "hey Lee what's up" "what the hell shelly I thought you where dead" "I was sleeping" I said in a confused voice "what"

Lee said in a even more confused voice "Noah was trying to see what you where doing but you didn't answer your phone so he thought you where on the phone with me and then he texted me asking I said no the I tried to call you but you didn't answer and we were all worried that something happened to you" this is what I was talking about ever since I got pregnant all they do is check on me every five minutes "I fine Lee now leave me alone" I said in a very angry voice and I went back to sleep when o woke up Noah was home so I was finally ready to give him the business "Noah Flynn" "yes" he asked in a concerned voice "what is your problem making everyone check on me I'm fine all I was trying to do is take a nap because I can never get a full night sleep before are baby is kicking all night and I can handle myself Noah just let me be" "so what Elle you not going to let me check on you a few times a day" "that's not what I'm saying Noah" I said very angry

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