Its a girl

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We were rushed to the hospital I was not due for 2 more weeks all I was talking about is getting the baby out but now I just want her to stay in I was so much pain for hours and Noah was there every step of the way my baby girl was coming to day I finally got see what she looked like "Noah it's hurts so bad" " I know elle but think how much we're going to get out of it" I wanted Noah but I also wanted my mom the time I need her the most she not here I started to cry I was pushing and pushing until I heard her little cry I looked at Noah who was crying to we just had a baby "it's a girl" the doctor said she gave me her all rapped in a blanket with a little hat with a bow on it her little face she looked just like Noah "whats her names going to be" the doctor asked "Joni Flynn" Joni was the name of my mom and I knew that my beautiful baby girl was going to take my mother's lovely name and I really like it.

"Oh what a lovely name" I looked a Noah who was looking a Joni "you want to hold her" I asked and his whole face lit up "yes hand her over" she Went with Noah and I was able to take a nap when I woke up Noah was asking with Joni they looks so cute I got my phone and took a picture I called my dad after they woke up so he could see her and I told him her name for the first time we both cried the we called Noah's mom and dad but they didn't pick up so we calling Lee but he didn't pick up then I hear a knock at the door and it's them Noah's mom and dad and Lee where all here "oh my gosh you guys your here" "you really thought I would miss my first granddaughter" oh ya o should tell you about Lee and Rachel the broke up because she did not know who the dad was and now she gone I doctor talk to her after what she did to Lee I blocked her first so now we know nothing about what happened any more so.

Now we doing talk about it "oh elle can I see her" "if Noah will give her up ya go head" Noah was giving his mom the baby it was cute "mom holed her head" "Noah I had tow kid give me a break" Lee can over to me "you look pretty good for having Noah's kid" he said with a laugh the Noah's mom asked the name of the baby then she cried so I cried it was a whole thing they left 2 day later they loved Joni it was finally time for us to go home we put on her daddy shirt a little hat and some pants and we were on are way Noah drove us home of course the we were home "welcome home Joni" "oh Noah let's go show her. her room" and then we all went in me and Noah's room and we laid on the bed together has a family I could not be more happier then this but when the night came it was crazy me and Noah where loosing it but we made out a live so welcome to are lovely world Joni it's going to get crazy here on out.

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