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its been hour since Noah got to the airport the kids are awake maybe having kids and get married at young age i can't even take care of my self without Noah how can i do 2 kids to "mommy will you please play with me" joni asked me while i was trying to feed lee will baby lee not best friend lee but i think you got that "no honey i have to feed your brother" she starts to cry oh no "but mommy you said you would play with yesterday" i did say but before i put her to bed now here i am with my hands full "honey let me just take care of baby lee first and then we can play" she cry's harder witch makes lee start to cry  "oh ok get you shoes on lets got to uncle Lees house" the both stopped crying 10 minutes later we were in car on are ways to lees house i called lee first "he mama bear what do you need" less asked "hey i have the kids in the car and its only been 2 hours since Noah left i need help with kids can we come over for a bit  i asked hoping that he would say yes cause i need a break all ready "yup my door in now unlocked " see you soon Elle"  "thank you lee" we hung up. 

20 minutes later i pulled up to lees cute little house and as soon as i pulled up lee comes running to joni "hi babygirl" he says to her she laughs and say "uncle lee i'm not a baby any more baby lee is a bay"she point at lee who is now asleep oh now he asleep "elle you coming" lee asked me i nod and take baby lee in my arms and walk inside the nice cool house we sat on the couch for awhile and and watched spongebob until i got a texted fro Noah looking up i see joni and lee are asleep and baby lee is just looking at t.v. (elles  texted from Noah)  "hey miss you already i made it safe how are you and the kids" i look at the text what was i going to say i had to go to less cause i couldn't take it i miss you come home ya that was going to go well i already took Noah from college once i can't do it again so i texted back "we are good" and put my phone down.

lee and joni woke up we played and then got dinner cause some how it was already 5:00 pm we talked then he took joni and me out for ice cream we made it back to his house we watched a movie now it was midnight so i got the kids in the and they were almost asleep anyways before i got in lee pulled me aside "hey elle if you need help any more the next 2 weeks you can come over you know that" wait 2 weeks :"ya Noah didn't tell you that he would be gone tow weeks "i said that out loud i asked and no he didn't tell me tow weeks and thank you lee for every thing i just need the day" i said all in on breath "ok Shelly" he said not tugging any further he pulled me in to a hug and a tear came down my eye that i didn't but i wiped off as it came out i said good bye  and got in the car a stared to cry quietly so i wouldn't wake up the kids.

i got the kids to sleep and the took a shower missing Noah i saw that he called and i missed i just went to sleep why am i being this way it now only tow weeks nothing bad is going to happen i got this i tell myself and soon closing my eyes  and going to sleep because i need it.

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