Time is ticking

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The 2 weeks went just like that means that we have 3 week until the wedding we sent the save the date we got everything my appointment was at 2:00pm I was happy Noah took the time to come to it we are going to see the thing I don't know what to call my baby yet Lee is the best man of course level is a bridesmaid and then we have some of are Friday coming and Lee will be in tomorrow for three days time went by fast and me and Noah were at are first appointment "elle" the doctor called out "we are ready for you" me and Noah walk in they did everything they told me I was 4-5 weeks pregnant and I was able to see the baby it was the size the of a peanut I think Noah was crying a little and just like that we were out there "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad" and he gave me a kiss "thank you elle for making me the happiest man" "your such a dork I love you" "I love you to" and we drove home.

We had to pick up Lee from the airport that night so Noah went to get him and I ordered some Chinese for dinner and 10 minutes later they were back and they ate Chinese made me feel sick so I didn't eat it so Noah pick me up some McDonald's and "so Noah show me the picture of the baby congrats "thx Lee that means a lot to me" "no problem elle" and just like that Lee left three days later and the wedding was coming up and now we were a week away form me and Noah wedding me and Noah have been running around trying to make sure everything works and I could see I had a life bump and Noah kept rubbing my belly and kept say littlest guy and he calls that wish full thinking at this point I fine with any gender I just hope my baby comes out healthy I got this amazing wedding dress it was my moms wedding dress I really think she would want me to get married and that dress my made of honor is June of course the flower girl is Noah little cousin and the ring bare is Brad

We booked are flights and everyone who we Invited is cool I'm so happy we're going to have the wedding back home to we have been running back and forth from California we're leaving to night so we have to pack everything up now "I can believe we are getting married this weekend" Noah said "ya oh by the way I have a doctor appointment when we come back if you want to go" I said back to Noah "of course I want to go be my little guy" "or girl" I say "I feel like time has been going by so fast like soon we are going to have a baby" "ya it's going to be crazy but time is ticking" "your right elle" "Noah you should know my know I'm always right" we both laugh and like that we are on are way.

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