The wedding

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The day of the wedding I was so excited I was finally getting married to the love of my life it feels so good "so how is everything with the baby" Noah mom asked "really good when we get back we have an appointment" "how nice send some pictures over" "of course" I haven't see Noah all day and Levi came in "hey" Levi said "hey" I walked over and hugged him "you look so good" he said "thank you" it was time for me to go down the aisle I could see Noah waiting there for me I was holding my dads arms as we walked down I could feel myself cry there happy tears when we finally walked all the way up I hugged my dad and he said something I would never forget "your mom would be proud of you Elle" me and Noah both said are I do's and me and both were crying this was the best day of my life if some one were to tell me that I would get married at age of 19 and it was to Noah Flynn and I would be having his baby and no one else I would have laugh right there and then "you may kiss the bride" we kiss right there every one was clapping and I was officially was Noah Flynn wife I would be known as Elle Flynn after we all done with ceremony Lee came up to me and started jumping up and down "we're finally bother and sister" "you are suck a dork Lee" dinner was good we had a good time we went back to the Flynn's house I was in my wedding dress all day it was started to get hot and tired "Noah can you help me."

"With what" "getting the dress off" "oh ya for sure" "thank god it's getting hot in here" as he help me take it off he move down to my stomach and ever so softly he kissed my stomach and said "he lil bud daddy loves you" and what I had to say back was so hart warming "and so dose mommy" we sat on Noah's bed and we both looked at each other "how does it feel to be a Flynn" "it feels nice all the stress is all off my shoulders" "oh ya" "ya"" just like that we were asleep as we woke up the following morning it was are last day before we left I woke from morning sickness when Noah hard me he got up "hey are you ok Elle" he says that all the time "ya I'm good it just looks like little Flynn is sick this morning" and that's when it came to me like Flynn "Noah I think I just found the nickname for that baby little Flynn" "oh really" "come oh Noah you can't tell me that's not cute" "is you like it I like it" he said back I kissed him and we.

Went down stairs and we went to go get breakfast I was able to drive I haven't been able to drive since Noah's found out I was pregnant as you can se he is protective over me and the baby "we're do you want to eat" l asked "I'm good with anything Elle you know I'm not the picky one" "you can't get mad I eat for row know and 7 weeks pregnant" "the baby is not even fully grown yet" "of fine so if I go throw a drive throw then you don't care" "Elle I don't" "but I doing want to go throw a drive throw" I said and a little fake sad voice "see" Noah says we ended up going back home to make pancakes that night we left I can't believe the we are going home as a married couple the next day we had an appointment and I was to excited to see my baby for the new 9 months I was out like a light when we got in the a air I could feel Noah hand on my belly I loved when and he put there and I can't believe we are a little family now.

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