Chapter 28.3

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(If only, if only he never existed...If only he was dead...The disgrace to Namori Clan...It's because of him that Guren has never been happy...It's because of him that Guren had to see the person he admired get slaughtered right in front of his own eyes...IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!)

About 12 years ago,

"Is it true? The young master has been banished from the land?!"

(He was confused...Totally confused on how the young master was so weak...He lost to the Usio girl...)

"I am sure the young master will be back...I am sure of it...That's why...That's why I will protect the Namori Clan until he is back..."

(He said to that man...The young master's father...Namori Chinya. The best marksman in all of the Great Land...Maybe he was the best in the whole god damn world)

"Thank you, young Guren but...I think you should focus on your own future instead of protecting us...Because our future holds nothing but our downfall...)

(And the man wasn't wrong in any way...The Namori Clan's downfall began, they lost their elder first and then...Sir Chinya was defeated in a family war. They say he stood still taking almost 100 arrows to his chest before he died)

"Master Chinya...D-don't... Leave us yet..."

(I saw him cry for his Master...The person he admired had died...It was...All his fault...He left the Clan in shambles...He was the reason that the Namori Clan lost everything...He was the reason...HE WAS THE REASON GUREN EVER CRIED AND NOW....)




(Shit! No time to dodge!)


Two swords clash,

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my Takachi!" Rui angrily looks at Shira as she clashes swords with her.


"Miss Usio, let me kill Taka or else...I will have to kill you too and I rather not do that." Shira says as she angrily clenches her sword which is clashing with Rui's.

"Rui, let her go!" Taka says.

"I am not doing it Takachi, I won't let her lay a scratch on you." Rui says as she angrily looks at Shira.

*Heavy Beating*

Rui and Shira both fall on their knee.

"What the-"

Both Rui and Shira seem to have fallen on their knee unknowing of what had just happened.

"Why can't I move?!" Shira seems to be trying hard to move.

Taka sighs, "Your curses are not lifted yet, that is why you can't move because you are still under the control of Yuzu." Taka says as he looks at both of them.

"Jeez, what are you guys even thinking? To start a fight out of nowhere." Yuzu looks disappointed, "You guys should know better than the outsider that you need to issue the challenge first before you guys fight." Yuzu says with a disappointed sigh.

"Fine then! I challenge this girl, right now, right here to fight me to the death!" Rui says with a serious look.

"Denied!" Mori says.

"What?!" Rui seems to be confused.

"We have lost one good soldier today, we can't lose another, that is why I deny this duel and both of you girls will not be allowed to participate in the rest of the tournament and will be banned for a year to fight in any other tournament." Mori says as he begins to walk by.


"I don't care, I will kill Taka at any cost." Shira looks angrily at Taka.

Taka sighs and walks towards Shira, "Wha-What are you doing?! Don't you know tha-"

Taka whispers in Shira's ears.

Shira's eyes widen and she loses her strength and falls asleep.

"What did you do?" Yuzu asks.

"Just put her to sleep." Taka says as he looks at Mori.

"Yes, as for Taka, he needs to find a new person to pair up with but it needs to be a person who is a member of the Great Land of course since outsiders are not allowed. Plus, you are a banished member, so you definitely need someone who isn't banished." Mori says as walks out.


Taka puts his hand on Rui's shoulder, "It's fine, I just have the perfect person in mind to replace your position for now." Taka says as he walks back.

"The...Perfect...Person?" Rui confusingly tilts her head.

A woman sighs on a call, "You want me to come and help you, huh? What will I be getting?" The woman asks.

"I see, that would be a good deal plus, it didn't matter if you gave me a deal or not, if it's Taka, I would help you any day." The woman chuckles.

The Disgrace To The Namori Clan, The Saga of Namori TakaWhere stories live. Discover now