Chapter 4

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The rest of the days go on smoothly. School days are normal but, Jessie each day gets more and more envious.
Mia goes to visit her best friend as per custom every Sunday.

Mia: so where did you guys go on Friday night, huh? [With a smile]
Alex: [laughs] he took me to some really nice garden.
Mia: [excited] woooooo....... well, tell me more.
Alex: we had fun, we ate, chatted, chased each other around like kids and he gave me this bracelet though I don't know what language this is.
Mia: [looks at it and begins thinking] I've never seen anything like it before.
Alex: same here he said it's some language
Mia: [after taking time to think] wait, oh my.......
Alex: what..... what is it? Tell me!
Mia: Wiltez Jax, hmmm...... W, I, L for Willan, T, E, Z from Montez, J, A from Jace and X from Alex
Alex: [in shock] whaaa........ No, no it can't be that, really c'mon Mia.
Mia: [in excitement] oh my, he likes you I knew it
Alex: no way, really we are just friends. I mean this proves nothing come on Mia, his brothers also got me really memorable things this changes nothing.
Mia: okay, fine what else happened?
Alex: that's it.
Mia: you're lying.
Alex: no........
Mia: look me in the eyes and say nothing happened.
Alex: [looks] no.... thing hap....... [She laughed]
Mia: I knew it! Did you kiss?
Alex: what, no [Mia gives her a face] okay, almost. I quickly stood up.
Mia: argh, why?
Alex: Jessie.......
Mia: really?
[Alex gives a look]

Mia: but why don't you want to tell him?
Alex: for crying out loud he's a prince Mia, I'm sure he already has someone or he has an arranged fiancé. Moreover it's embarrassing [laughs]
Mia: he wanted to kiss you Alex, it's obvious he only has you.
Alex: oh my I'm so done with you Mia.

The next day of school, apparently Jace put pictures of the whole day celebration of Alex's birthday which the school and Jessie's girls saw. Jessie hadn't seen it yet. They were standing at the parking lot waiting for her.

Truss: oh my!!
Jane: what?
[Truss shows her]
Jane: has Jess seen this?
Jessie arrives.

Truss & Jane: hey!!
Jessie: wow, I enjoyed yesterday's pool party [smiling]
They walk together.

Jane: you look to be in a really good mood........
Jessie: I know right, [excited laugh] help me look for my prince.
Truss: did you see this [looking afraid while showing her]
Jane: it's bad.
Jessie: what the...!!!! That whore never stays away huh?!!! Okay she wants to play dirty, fine I can play dirty I will show her who the queen is, who owns this school and runs this country!!! That B****!!!
[Jessie and girls begin to plot against Alex]

The three girls go into Alex's class and stand in front of her desk.
[Alex looks up]

Alex: what do you girl's want now?
Jessie: oh [laughs intimidatingly] I see now just because Jace and his brothers came to your filthy party you think you own the world huh?!! [Pushes her head with force]
Alex: ..............
Jane: now you're quiet
Jessie: answer you b****!!! I'm certain if it wasn't for them it would have just been you and your so-called bestie, I even wonder if she's true to you. Maybe she's just using you to get close to the brothers.
Truss: that reminds me do you even have a family you slut!! Huh?!! Because I've never seen a single parent with you.
Alex: .............
Jessie: oh yeah that's it I see clearly now, you think being close to him will give you a family [mimics in a crying voice].

The two girls laugh aloud intimidatingly.
Jessie: FOOL!!! Even your family abandoned you
[Laughs then leans towards Alex]
Jessie: for your own information I am entitled to Jace [Alex looks at Jessie] yes that's right. Stay away from my man this is the last warning, the next time, actually there shouldn't a next time because I promise you, you will wish you hadn't even known what the first letter of his name is. [While patting her head] Act smart like your grades, what a pain in the ass! Girls let's go.
Jane: grow up!
Truss: ingrate.

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