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The world was always filled with possibilities. From the moment you are born to the day you die, the world was either against you or with you. Even so, there were endless opportunities and places where you can make something of yourself and go from nobody to somebody.

The Water Kingdom of Soleanna was such a place to do just that. Soleanna was a interesting land, no doubt. The kingdom was a welcoming one and it was open to anyone wishing to make a life inside of its walls. To the ordinary eye, this dazzling and lively kingdom appears to look like any normal monarchy. But pull back the curtains and take a closer look, for you'll find that there's a wonderful tale to be told here. A grand story centering on two very different yet very similar souls that will come together and embark on a massive life-changing journey. Sit back, relax, and listen as I weave the tale of-

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold it right there, Mr. Narrator. What's with the generic fairytale storybook opening? What is this, Disney?" Exclaimed a blue hedgehog wearing white gloves and red sneakers as he walked into view.

Excuse me, but I'm the one telling this story! You can't just barge in here and interrupt me! You're not even supposed to appear until the prologue starts!

"Says who? John Lasseter? Oh, please. How about you sit back and relax while I tell my story my way, eh?" The hedgehog, named Sonic, said as he cleared his throat.

"Hey, everybody. You see the handsome blue hedgehog standing before you? That's me. My name's Sonic. You may be wondering..... Why is that hedgehog wearing shoes? That's a bit of a long story in itself, though I got a better one to tell." Sonic said. He took out a photo of a tall and beautiful looking anthropomorphic she-leopard, looking at it with a sweet smile.

"This is Shenzi. She's basically my best friend. We had some great times together. I can vividly remember the day we first met. It was probably the scariest moment of my life. Ahh, good times.... Anyway, she's gonna be really important later, but we have to go way back. Back to the beginning...."


A massive lush green island stood in the middle of a vast ocean, along with some small chains connected to the main island. The island itself was huge, nearly reaching the clouds up above. It was completely covered in lush vegetation, giving it a very lively look to it. There were even a couple of large mountains jutting out of the island, reaching towards the heavens. All in all, it was a beautiful place to behold.

[Ahh, Green Hills. This is the place where I was born, and it was amazing. It had beautiful sandy beaches, public access to the giant loopty-loops, and wide open spaces for little blue hedgehogs to run around at the speed of sound. Oh, and speaking of which....]

A young blue hedgehog barely older than the age of five was laughing with glee as he raced down the winding paths at blazing speed. He scaled up one of the mountains in less than a second, standing over on its peak and overlooked his home before dashing off yet again.

[I was enjoying my life here in Green Hills. I stayed up late at night and played in the beach all day. I never had to catch the school bus because I can just run around the entire island in less than a second. Also, there was no school. Cool right? I was born with incredible powers and was told to keep them a secret. And just like any kid, I did the exact opposite.]

The little hedgehog bounded up to a hut connected by three bridges, one of which led to a pedestal and another shelter, yet the central round dome was at the top of the hill. Inside, on her perch, rested a reddish-brown colored owl, her eyes closed, and her wings wrapped around her body like a blanket to shield her from the cold. Unbeknownst to her, she had no idea of the little hedgehog she took care of was about to make an entrance into her sleeping berth. The owl was just utterly majestic. With shiny gold armor given to her by her ancestors wrapped around her chest and two feathers sticking up behind her "ears," she was a sight to behold. Her chest rose and fell gently, deep in sleep as owls were typical to be resting in the middle of the day. Longclaw, whom she was called, was startled away when something gently thudded against her feathery breast. She had nearly fallen off her perch. Her beak was parted, as though to speak, regarding the little one she had taken care of for so long- before she shook herself off and visibly relaxed. She was raising an amused nonexistent eyebrow, with a gentle smile.

Sonic The HedgehogWhere stories live. Discover now