Chapter 9

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Out on the countryside of Soleanna, with the truck now set at a moderate speed, Shenzi had set the car into autopilot on eighty-miles an hour. Resting her foot from putting too much pressure on the gas pedal. 

"What you did back there was beyond believable," the snow leopard said, waving a hand at the steering wheel, and it was a real and rare compliment coming from her. 

"I've never seen- let alone imagined that you had an ability like that! But you do need to start explaining yourself." Her stormy eyes caught a glimpse of the hedgehog for a brief moment before she went back to keeping her gaze on the road as they passed by a few cars to the left, going down the opposite way. She got straight to the point. 

"Why were you hiding out in my garage? And why did you choose my place?" She briefly winced, muttering a small "Ow," as the arm with the bandage wrapped around it shook in pain before straightening out again. Talk about hurt. This reminded her of the days when she was whipped on her hands! 

"Okay, in a nutshell, I came to Soleanna a long time ago, twelve years to be exact, because some.... unsavory characters wanted to steal my powers." Sonic stated. 

"Steal your powers.." Shenzi murmured lightly to herself, still listening but with piqued interest. Her ears were somewhat tilted back as she looked at him.

"And now I have to leave Soleanna because that same situation is happening. I was just using your basement to use a ring to escape when you dropped in, hit me with that giant stick, and knocked me out." Sonic said, an expression of realization creeping upon his face. 

"Oh no. My rings! We gotta go get them! I'll be dead without them! I know I've been asking a lot from you already. I appreciate your help and I'm really sorry about your awesome kitchen. By the way, your tea was delicious, I would love to get the recipe. I need help getting my rings back. What you saw back there was basically just a quarter of my speed. Normally, my legs are classified as lethal weapons. But now they kinda feel like jelly, which is probably the result of getting violently thrown off a flying death egg." He said. Shenzi was rather stressed out at the moment. She knew that she was still royally screwed. Elise was going to kill her when she found out what happened. She had put herself into a terrible position, and for all she knew, she would likely be dissected too. She still felt awful about hitting him with her staff - which she had thrown in the back seat, discounting the gems hidden on her belt pouch - but what the heck was she supposed to do? NOT react? The snow leopard didn't look pleased about the situation ahead, appearing more stressed than ever, and she sighed to herself deeply. Rings. He was possibly talking about the one which had opened in the middle of the garage floor, and then a bag had coincidentally popped right through it and landed on a building on Saint Helena. Being the observant type, she could recall the events in the correct order in accurate detail. She didn't talk for a moment once he was finished before she muttered a soft, "Okay," under her breath and then pulled over on the side of the road, gently tapping the breaks as the car came to a stop and she put it in park. 

"Okay, I'm gonna lay down the facts," Shenzi said, straightening herself up and then leaning on her driver's chair as she looked to him. 

"I'm in terrible trouble just like you are. Soleanna doesn't get involved with other big dogs that much, and I just docked a government agent from the United States in the face. I'm on death row and because I'm hauling you along, that makes you and me both wanted. On top of that, Soleanna could go to war with them over this because of how tight of a bond they have with me, and my mom wouldn't hesitate to do so!" She was incredibly stressed out- and her emotions shined on her face, which was new, considering she was typically flat-faced. She waved a hand at him.

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