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3rd person POV

"SHE'S TWO MONTHS OLD EMBER!" (y/n) shouted, "SO WHAT! I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND, YOU SHOULD BE SPENDING MORE TIME WITH ME!" Ember yelled, "You mean ex-girlfriend." (y/n) said. After the fight, the once happy couple split up. Ember Corona gave full custody of their daughter to her former partner; (y/n) Rose. (y/n) was a kind man who had a slight drinking problem due to his being a huntsman. Even though she wasn't happy about it his loving older half-sister, Summer Rose was always there for him.

(y/n) POV

 "(y/n) drop it!" Summer said, "NO! I NEED IT!" I said as she tore my beer away from me and dumped it down the sink, "You're so mean sis!" I said. It's been almost two months since Ember left, it's been hard to deal with and I started drinking more and more. Summer was pissed at me for drinking so much and for drinking around the baby in general. "I agreed to help you with the baby because I know that you're not the most responsible person in the world. Tai thinks I'm just wasting my time helping you so please baby brother, don't prove him right!" She said as she picked up Cinder who was about to start crying, "There there, Daddy and Auntie Summer were just having a little argument. It's alright now sweetie." Summer said as she bounced Cinder, "You're really good with her sis." I said, "Yeah well she's a lot like Yang. Actually, she's a lot calmer than Yang. I love that girl but she's got way too much energy." She said as Cinder chewed on her finger, "How is Yang?" I asked, "Well for a six-month-old she's very...rebellious. She hates nap time and don't get me started on when I have to give her a bath!" She said with a slight laugh, "Alright little girl let's get you fed and then a nap!" Summer said, "Summer I can do it." I said, "No! You need to sober up. Until then I'll take care of Cinder." She said.

Cinder had been asleep for almost an hour and a half when she started crying. "I've got her." I said as I got up, "Are you sure?" Summer asked, "Yeah I'm sure." I said as I walked upstairs to Cinder's room, "Hey, hey it's alright. Daddy's got you." I said as I picked up my daughter and bounced her in my arms which calmed her down slightly, "I know it's been tough for you ever since your mom left, but you've gotta work with me kid." I said as she stopped crying, "You are so so much like your mother and I guess that's why I drink so much. I'm just too damn stubborn to admit that I miss her." I said as Cinder chewed on my finger, "It's kinda embarrassing that a baby is more honest than I am." I said as she fell back asleep, "Goodnight my little Ember." I said as I put her back in her crib. "Aw, you've finally admitted you miss her. I'm a little hurt that you didn't come to me, little brother." Summer said, "Well you don't have a good track record when it comes to me telling you about stuff like this." I said, "You have a point, but still this is a big deal. I mean you were going to propose to her!" She said, "Yeah, I was but she and I wanted different things so this is probably for the best." I said, "You're probably right, but still I'm here for you even if I am already married and have a baby girl ten times as adorable as my darling niece." She said, "Oh yeah prove it! Yang's cute I'll give you that, but my darling Cinder is the most adorable!" I said, "Oh you did NOT just go there!" She said, "Oh I went there!" I said, there was a brief moment of silence before we both started laughing, "Well I'll always be here for you (y/n) don't forget that." She said.

My Little Ember (Male reader X daughter Cinder Fall)Where stories live. Discover now