Chapter 12

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(y/n) POV

It's been four years since Holly and I got married I turned down Freya's offer, she threatened to hurt me in a way I'd never expect. "DADDY!!" Cinder shouted happily as she sprinted to me and tried to tackle me, "Mommy said it's time for dinner. And grandma says to get a real job you lazy bum." She said as I picked her up, "Ok honey don't repeat what grandma Luciel tells you about Daddy alright." I said, "Ok Daddy!" She said happily as I put her on my shoulders.

"Well, you certainly took your time." Holly said as she kissed me, "Ickey!" Cinder said, "Come here, little girl!" Holly said as she tickled Cinder, "Ok who's hungry? Mom is in the dining room and she's starting to get very very cranky." She said, "Ok let's go eat." I said.

"And then she ran around the house in her underwear." Holly said, "MOMMY!" Cinder said in embarrassment making Luciel laugh, "You know Cinder, you are the one thing your father did right." Luciel said, "I'm right here." I said, "As I said, the only thing he did right." She said as she glared at me. 

"What is your problem with my mother?" Holly asked as she got ready for bed, "Nothing! I like her just fine, but she insists on continuing this rivalry in hopes that it'll entice us to get divorced." I said, "Manipulative woman. I'm so sorry honey, I shouldn't have doubted you." She said as she got into bed, "It's fine. I know that she'll never break us up." I said as I kissed her, "Night." She said, "Night." I said.

"You three ready to go?" Summer asked, "Yeah." I said, "Question! Why am I here?" Ember asked, "Because I said so, and if you don't wanna end up with two shattered kneecaps...again, I suggest you do as you're told." Liz said, "Fine, well if I'm gonna be on this mission, I might as well bust out the old toys." Ember said as she opened a case and brought out her old weapon.

" Ember said as she opened a case and brought out her old weapon

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"You still have that thing?" I said, "Of course! She's my baby." she said, " know what I'm not even gonna get into it with you." I said, "You're so cute when you're flustered darling." she said, "I am a married man, I will not be your toy for psychological manipulation!" I said, "(y/n), sweetie, you already fell for her trap." Summer said, "DAMN IT!" I said.

Holly POV

"Cinder can you come help Mommy with the laundry?" I said, "Ok!" Cinder said happily as she ran down the stairs, suddenly she tripped, I rushed over to her and caught her before she could hit the concrete floor, "MOMMY!" she cried as she clung to me, "There there, you're ok. Mommy's got you." I said as I comforted her, "Cinder what have I told you about running on stairs?" I said, "N-Not t-to." she sniffled, "That's right, now maybe you won't run on the stairs again." I said, "Mommy when's Daddy coming home?" she asked as I picked her up, "Well honey, Daddy has a very special mission he has to do with auntie Summer. He might not be home for a couple of days." I said, "But I want Daddy home now!" she said, "And so do I, but Daddy has a job to do so you and Mommy can be safe and happy." I said sweetly, "Is Daddy going to get hurt, Mommy?" she asked, "No sweetheart, Daddy will be just fine. And when he gets home he's gonna scoop you up and give you a big kiss just like he always does after a mission." I said, "Now how about we get back to that laundry!" I said as I scooped her up and sat her on the dryer.

(y/n) POV

Ozpin had charged us with killing something called a Nuckelavee, whatever that is, it had destroyed Kuroyuri. "Such a good boy. You followed your mommy's orders very very well." a woman said, "Freya." I said coldly, "So you actually came. I knew you were stupid, but I never pegged you as suicidal." Freya said as she petted a massive Grimm, "It's good you're all here. I'd like you to meet my son." she said as the Grimm leered at us its eyes glowing red with hate, "What do you mean your son?" I said, "Oh (y/n) must I explain the Nevermore's and the Lancer's to you?" she said condescendingly, "My mistress wanted an entirely new species of Grimm. I volunteered my body to further her research. She bred me with a Nightmare and the result was this. A creature with the unbridled power of the Grimm, and the ability to learn as we humans do. This hybrid will be the instrument that exterminates half of humanity." she said, "Why half?!" I said, "I tolerate some people, there are some that I'd like to torture, but above all else, my baby needs to reproduce and evolve. Now I'm done talking." she said as we all drew our weapons, suddenly the Grimm impaled Summer and Freya used her semblance to bring Summer's scythe to her, suddenly she cut my left arm off and completely destroyed my severed arm. "R-Run!" Summer said weakly, "N-No!" I said, "Come on, we've gotta go!" Ember said, "I can't!" I said, "You have to run for Cinder. I might not care for her, but you do, so run for our daughter!" she said as she helped me up and she and Liz helped me get away.

Cinder POV

"HOLLY!" Auntie Liz shouted, "Cinder stay in the house." Mommy said before she sprinted outside, I tried to look outside, but Grandma picked me up, "No sweetheart. You don't need to see that." Grandma said as she covered my eyes with her wings and carried me away. "I want Daddy!" I said, "Cinder sweetheart." she said as she sat me down, "Your Daddy had an accident and got hurt." she said softly, "Is Daddy going to be ok?" I asked, "He will be eventually." she said as Mommy and Daddy walked into the house and I saw Daddy was missing his left arm, "D-Daddy? What happened to your arm?" I asked, "Sweetie, um Daddy needs some time to himself right now." Mommy said.

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