Chapter 2

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Holly POV

"And that, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is why the defendant is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt." I said before the judge sent the jury into deliberations, "This will be the only time I'm happy to have to go to court." (y/n) said as he walked over to me, "What are you two doing here?!" I asked, "Well I saw you on tv and thought 'hey why don't we get lunch' and here we are." He said, "You brought cinder!" I said, "Yeah is that a problem? I mean this is just a domestic dispute case right?" He said, "No, no! Honey that was last month, this is the dust shop massacre trial, the defendant and several members of a local gang he's affiliated with went to a dust shop and killed everyone inside including a few of the other members. There is a reason why I didn't invite you to come to see me during this time and that's because I have an enormous target on my back now and until this whole thing blows over." I said, "I'm sorry, do you want us to go?" He asked, "No no, people have already seen us together. It should be fine since your a huntsman I'm sure you can handle yourself." I said, "Mama." Cinder said as she reached for me from her carrier, "Come here, big girl." I said as I took her out of the carrier and bounced her in my arms, "So how about burgers? Oh or tacos!" I said, "I thought you have a target on you?" He said, "Yeah, but like I said you're a huntsman and we'll be out in a public place so it should be fine." I said. "Babe, you do know you can call yourself her mom right?" (y/n) said, "No no I couldn't! I don't even think she likes me all that much." I said, "Babe she's two but let me ask you this. Do you love her?" He asked, "Yes more than anything!" I said, "Then you have more than enough reason to call her your daughter. I mean you're already more of a mother to her than Ember ever was." He said, "Miss Sinclaire I find you guilty and sentence you to life of motherhood. No possibility for parole." The judge said, "Really Larry don't you have anything better to do?" I said, "Nope." He said.

(y/n) POV

"Alright, we have two double cheeseburgers, two large fries, two large sodas, and one small fry." I said, "You're a lifesaver babe!" Holly said as she grabbed her food as well as Cinder's fries. She cut the fries so Cinder only got the soft parts of the fries, "Say ahh." She said as Cinder opened her mouth and ate a fry. "Wow, such a good eater for mommy." I said, "And now that I think about she's a good eater for Summer too, and Tai and Qrow that one time, and pretty much anyone who's not dad." I said, "Well, maybe she just loves all of us more than you." She said jokingly, "She's probably just used to you. It's like you said she's two and for a two-year-old everything and everyone is new and exciting. She just does what we ask her too since she doesn't see us as often. I mean I'm usually gone by the time she wakes up in the morning. Maybe, maybe I need to change that." She said as she took a bite of her food, "Well you're her mom so she'll get sick of you soon enough." I said, "I hope so. Well, I have the rest of the day off so what should we do after this?" She said, "Maybe we could take Cinder to the zoo or maybe we could spend the rest of the day at home." I said, "Both sound lovely." She said, "Take her to the zoo. It's a nice day and she'll love all the animals." Summer said as she took a seat at our table, "Summer what are you doing here?" I asked, "Oh nothing much, just keeping my future sister-in-law safe." She said, "Yeah seems someone's not as confident in your skills as she says." She said as she ate one of my fries, "Let's change the topic shall we!" Holly said nervously, "Why don't we go get Yang and have a nice day at the zoo." She said with a nervous laugh, "That's a great idea, Holly! Yang just loves spending time with her cousin!" Summer said, "We're gonna talk about this when we get home." I said.

"Aww! Hello Yang, you look so cute with your new haircut!" Holly said as she fawned over Yang as the infant pouted in her carrier, "What happened to you?" I asked, "I...I ran into a door." Tai said, "So Yang beat you up again. Honestly, Tai getting beaten up by a two-year-old that's just pathetic." I said as Cinder pulled on my hair, "Fine you can take her to her next haircut!" He said, "Whatever just let her grow her hair out and let her look like Raven." I said as Cinder began to slam her hands down on my head, "Ok baby girl, that's enough of that. Why don't you go hit uncle Tai for a bit." I said as I moved her over to her uncle who she immediately began to hit as she giggled happily, "What's going on here?!" Holly said as she took Cinder away from us, "Why are you letting her hit people? We don't hit!" She said, "I don't see what the big deal is." I said, "Same here, Yang hits things all the time and she's just fine." Tai said, "Yes well she's a lady and a lady doesn't hit." Holly said, "That's right a lady doesn't hit." She said, "Oh yeah well Summer and I fought all the time growing up and we turned out just fine." I said, "Well Yang seems to have her mother's violent tendencies and Summer, well Summer is Summer." She said, "(y/n)." Summer said, "I don't like your girlfriend anymore." She said as she glared at Holly.

"Look at the cute animals." Tai said as he and Holly took Cinder and Yang into the petting zoo, "Look, sweetie, it's a cute little bunny." Holly said as a bunny hopped over to her and Cinder, suddenly the bunny sneezed and Cinder began to cry, "Summer." I said, "Yeah I know." Summer said as she drew her scythe and I drew my short sword. "Not a step closer." I said as Summer and I pointed our weapons at the rabbit, "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" Holly shouted, "Look at Cinder's arm. You probably didn't notice that she was bleeding and I don't blame you for that. After all, they were very very careful to make it look like she was just a scared child. However, I pride myself on being observant." I said as the rabbit transformed and in its place stood a man wielding a knife. "That's one of the gang members from my trial!" Holly said as she held Cinder close, "Y...You hurt my baby!" She said angrily, "Drop the knife it's over." I said as he dropped his knife, "Good now tine for a little payback for my daughter." I said as I left a deep cut on his arm in the same spot he had cut Cinder. "Well, I'm going to take him to the cops." Summer said as she took the man away, "Oh my God baby!" Holly said as she kissed me, "I love you so much!" She said, "After this trial is over I am only going to take small low-risk trials if any!" She said as she kissed me again.

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