Chapter 11

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"Ok baby girl you're gonna come to work with Mama today, yes you are, yes you are." I said as I picked Cinder up, "Mama needs you to be a very good girl while we're at Mama's work. Daddy had to go on a mission for Auntie Summer." I said.

"And that ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is why I have a baby strapped to my chest." I said as I sat down, "I thought you said you could help me keep the kids not bring yours into the case!" my client said, "I can and will. And I think my sweet baby girl might be the final nail in this divorce's coffin." I said as I handed Cinder to her, "What's happening here?!" She asked, "Just treat her as if she were your own daughter, trust me, there's a method to my madness." I said, "Your honor I'd like to call the defendant and my daughter to the stand." I said, "What are you doing?!" She asked, "Trust me, Cassidy." I said. After Cassidy was sworn in my plan was almost complete, "Now Ms. Connors would you say that Cinder is comfortable with you?" I asked, "Objection, relevance." my opponent said, "Overruled. I'd like to see where this is going." Larry said, "I'd say she's very comfortable." Cassidy said, suddenly Cinder began to get fussy, "There there, you're alright. Someone must be tired." She said, "I'd like to address the jury, your honor." I said, "Very well, I'll allow it." Larry said, "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I'd like you to turn your attention to my client. Does that look like something a woman accused of abusing her children would do?" I asked, "No! However, I have a sinking feeling that if we'd repeat this little experiment with Mr. Smith my daughter would be crying and as opposed to the calm facade we've been shown today Mr. Smith would try to hit her. You see what you haven't been presented with today is an extensive record of Mr. Smith's long-standing history of alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and neglectful behaviors. But look at my client, does she truly seem like the type of woman to shove her six-year-old daughter down a flight of stairs?" I asked, "No further questions your honor." I said as I took my seat. An hour later the court adjourned and as expected I won. "We did it, sweetie! You helped Mommy win her case!" I said sweetly as I bounced Cinder in my arms.

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