Chapter 1

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     To start off, I was a foolish girl that had a one night stand didn't use a condom,. Frankly it was not my fortay, I never do things like that now I'm 4 months pregnant barely turning twenty.

      My mum is happy that She's having a grand-baby, my dad is more on the side of who did you sleep with to get you pregnant my older brother is being a grouchy butt because he has not gotten his wife pregnant and I got pregnant before her. My older sister I haven't talked to in a bit snice she ended up betraying me when I was 17. I haven't told my little brother because I want him to figure it out.

Today my mum has encouraged me too tell the father, I know the father. It wasn't some random stranger like you might think, but I ghosted him after I found out I was pregnant.

     I stepped up to the door the feeling off, selfishness and anxiety wash over me looking back at the car. My mum held up her thumbs and a goofy smile, I chuckled looking down at the ultrasound in my hands. Shaking my head I rang the doorbell. After a few minutes I was about to turn to and go back to my car, when the door opened. Revealing a tall man with his black hair tied back into a bun. "cara?" he raised a brow I lifted my shoulders smiling forcefully then slumped "hey Brendon..i know its been a bit.." he stepped outside closing the door behind him and folded his arms across his chest "four months Cara, you haven't responded to me, texted me, honestly I thought you were dead, and I was so scared,. But to see you here I just feel like you abandoned me."

My body faltered I looked down "I don't have a excuse for my actions." I sighed blinking back tears. I have always hated confrontation. "are..are you going to cry?" Brendon asked, I chuckled wiping my face "my emotions have been outta whack. Since.." he leaned back "since?"

     This is the point in time I realized I did have a excuse for why I never responded, I had a child growing in side my body I held up the envelope and he took it. Opening it to reveal our child. He gasped and looked at the picture a small smile on his face "how long?" he trembled.

"four months" his eyes jolted up from the picture to me "is that why you haven't talked me? Were you afraid that I wouldn't stick around? Or what?".

"honestly I didn't tell you because I did not know how to react myself, there were times I thought of having a abortion or giving birth and giving them to a foster family," he shook his head. "lets go back to your place and discuss what I want to do now that I know of the kid" he chuckled, I nodded he turned and locked the door and I moved down the steps I moved around the car as Brendon went and sat in the back seat "hey Mrs. Taurine" my mum smiled "how's it going Brendon?" she asked

"great, I guess" he chuckled, I turned on the radio to play the latest news and music, because small talk was boring,

After a bit of a drive, We pulled up to my mums house that was surrounded by trees and wilderness, the back deck leads off and into a lake, which is fun in the summer. Its barely spring but it still feels like It's the dead of winter..

We stepped into the house my sister in law, liana was sprawled along the couch, laying upon my older brothers lap James. Hearing squealed laughter peel around the corner and footstep's pounding the corner my younger brother Conner was chasing my friend I've known snice childhood "Cara help!" she moved and hooked herself around my waist "get back here I'm am get yer toes" my brother said "lily!, when did you get here" Lilith stood up and hugged Conner "mom dropped me off a bit ago" I nodded and then moved behind Brendon.

"want to speak outside on the deck" I whispered into his ear he nodded. We snuck around the chaos and stepped outside the cool air creating a fog onto of the water, "so you have been pregnant, four months, and who else knows?" Brendon asked I leaned against the wooden railing "older brother, mum & dad, now you"

"when do you plan on telling everyone?" I twisted my lips "actually I wasn't going to tell anyone" Brendon grew confused "you were planning to keep something that grows in your body secret?" I nodded without hesitation he chuckled and moved raising his arms and hugged me gently I rested into him "so how bout today we call up your family announce it, then Sunday we announce it to my family." He suggested my eyes went wide and looked up at him his family specifically his mother has hated me since we were little and I have no clue why?.

Maybe I could ask her but I don't want to disrespect Brendon, I let a audible groan out, "what?" he chuckled "do you think mom still hates you" I mumbled yes. "she does not hate you" he gave a smile that glistened under the soft light from the sun that setted behind the horizon I shook my head "I got to call family members so lets get inside before night fall,"

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