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[she's my sister]

"eddie?" i call aloud, searching for my brother. "hello?"

"they are all in lessons my dear, you must be y/n,sweet?" a lady greeted, tying an apron around her waist.

"oh no, i much prefer y/n-" i was interrupted, a loud creak could be hear from above. the two of us looked up to see a man, towering over us.

"y/n miller." his voice echoed almost, climbing down the stairs slowly, neither did i or the woman take our eyes off him. "i'm victor rodemaar, head of anubis house, and i expect your best behaviour, nothing like your brother i hope."

i growled quietly, if eddie was bad, i was worse. "why of course your highness." i mocked, bowing slightly.

"don't be smart, i could send you home in an instant and no one would know you were here." his voice rumbled. "now trudy, would you help her unpack her bags into mara and joy's room please."

"why of course victor, come one sweetie, let's get these bags upstairs." her voice was calm, and presence was warm. she smiled brightly passing me one of the bags at our feet and the two of us climbed up the stairs to the rooms.

victor had now disappeared, eddie had said he lived in his office, and apparently had a stuffed crow. 'he's bad y/n, just stay away from him as much as you can.' he had told me.

"just here, put the bags onto this bed." she gestured to the first one next to the door. "well unpack a few things then go and grab a snack from down stairs, sound like a plan?"

i nodded, "eddie had said he was creepy but i didn't think he would be that bad."

trudy snorted a laugh, "don't say that too loud, he might hear you. the kids are convinced he has special hearing." she then grabbed a pile of clothes from the suitcase and began putting them on hangers. "and if i were you i'd watch my tone for a while, one of our students, nina, was sent home last term for apparently 'pushing him over the edge.'"

"he must have anger issues, from what eddie has told me, i think he needs counselling and also needs to lose the bird." i shook my head, shoving my other stuff into the other drawers.

"he's paranoid mostly, no one talks about it but i'm sure your brother will tell you soon enough about the weird stuff that goes on around this school."

i leant in, intrigued. "weird stuff? like what?"

"it's a story for another time my dear, now will you put these in the wardrobe behind you." trudy passed me the pile of clothes that were now on hangers. "and we can go and get something to eat."

i did as she said, and hung them over the metal bar before closing the doors and following her back downstairs.

she was already cooking when i had arrived i presumed, because not seconds after entering the kitchen the oven beeped. and trudy pulled out a full roast chicken.

the two of us picked at the golden skin, before we both set out the table and waited for everyone else to arrive.

"oh my god trudy." my brother gasped entering the room, clearly smelling the food. "i-" he stopped when he saw me stood beside her before sprinting towards us and wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"hello brother." i grinned, "mum sent me over to see how you were holding up."

the two of us sat down and waited for the rest. the two of us were laughing and talking about my time in america without him before a raven haired girl walked in.

"you're in my seat." she growled towards me.

"patricia-" eddie grief, but failed.

"oh am i? how sad." i mocked, turning back to eddie, "as i was saying.."

more people had entered before i felt a cold liquid touch my head and begin to run down my back. i turned to the girl with a smug look on her face as she continued to pour the water down me. my white t-shirt clearly not being the greatest idea at this point. "get out of my seat and don't flirt with him."

i snorted before pushed back on the table and turned towards her, pulling the jug of gravy closer to my hands that were behind my back. "my pleasure." i pulled the jug in front of me and poured it over her head, it was still warm and the smell filled the room. "you better watch yourself, and why don't you tell her ed." i laugh, leaving the room and walking upstairs to change clothes.

my eyes were locked forward, not turning to look at anyone who was looking towards me. i heard eddie behind me say, "she's my sister." before i completely left the room.

once upstairs i took my top off and wrapped a towel round my head before pulling another top on. i shook the towel and rubbed it against my scalp, attempting to dry it as my as possible before letting it fall loose again.

"what a bitch." i mumbled, walking back down, holding the towel in my hands and twisting it against the ends of my hair.

as soon as i walked back in the room fell silent, as they all stared down at their food quietly. i rolled my eyes and grabbed a plate, pulling out a chair at the end of the table, opposite my brothers girlfriend.

not a word was said for what seemed to be a long time before i finally introduced myself, "as you all now know i'm eddie's sister."

"another american, great." patricia mumbled,

"no shit sherlock." i clapped sarcastically before continuing, "and my name is y/n, i'm from america as patricia here has already pointed out, my favourite subjects are p.e, science, music and history and-" i kept my eyes on the girl opposite me, "and i won't take shit from anyone." i let my mouth curl up into a smile, "thank you for listening."

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