f o u r

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[tattoo or permanent marker?]

i gasped, sitting up in my bed and turned to my clock, 6:30. finally. i pulled the covers off of me and a sharp pain sent from my side.

pulling my shirt up a black mark had appeared, the symbol of...anubis. i burst out the door and ran down stairs.

barging into my brothers room i yelled, "is this some sick joke?" i pulled up the shirt to show him the mark on my hip. licking my fingers i rubbed them against it, showing it wouldn't come off. "eddie it's not funny."

"what?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes before spotting the mark. once his eyes spotted it he couldn't tear his gaze away.

"what's going on?" fabian asked, before spotting the mark as well.

seconds later alfie sprinted down the hall to see what was going on, his eyes followed the boys' gaze before spotting it also.

it was aliens for a moment before jerome had also been woken by the noise and approached the room. "could you keep it down i- wow." his eyes grew wide, not even looking at the mark but simply at my bare legs.

"gross dude." eddie cried, throwing a pillow at him. i dropped the shirt back down, covering it back up. "y/n you need to listen, it wasn't me-"

"then who was it-" i soon realise before growling, "that bitch." i stormed back upstairs, alfie and jerome following while eddie and fabian attempted to get out of bed.

"y/n it wasn't-" my brother called but i had already burst through the door.

"think your funny?" i yelled, staring at my brothers almost girlfriend who was sat in her bed on her laptop.

"kinda." she snorted, "why do you ask? need some tips?"

i lifted the shirt once more revealing the permanent mark, "that will never get old." jerome chuckled, staring downward at my body once again.

"bold of you to draw on me in permanent marker williamson." i growled. "if you think i won't get you back, you've got another thing coming."

dropping the shirt one last time, i left while alfie stayed in the room with them and jerome followed me.

"i hate boarding school." i protest.

"after that, i'm pretty sure i love it." he chuckled, still staring at my legs.

i now turned to him, shirtless and a grin on his face. my eyes flicked down for a moment before looking back up at him. "what a great start to a tuesday morning."

he nodded, finally looking at my face, "welcome or england." he chuckled once more before leaving and going back to his room. while eddie and fabian pushed past me and into patricia and amber's room. the five of them again.

"ugh." i returned back to my own room where joy and mara were already getting changed.

"what was that all about?"

"someone thought it would be funny to draw on my in permanent marker while i was asleep." i explained, getting changed into the uniform trudy had hung up for my the day before.

"it could be much worse, it could of been a moustache." joy stated making the three of us laugh.

"very true." i stated before i slipped into my shirt and wrapped the red and yellow tie around my neck, "i have to go in at 7:30 to speak with the head master." i groaned, slipping into a pair of tights and a black skirt that hugged my body. i did the necessaries, like brushing my teeth and hair and quickly putting a bit of make up on like the rest of the girls before grabbing my bag and blazer and running down stairs.

"trudy?" i called, walking into the kitchen but it seemed a blonde had replaced her, "who are you?"

"i'm vera the new house mother. please, sit." she gestured to the full breakfast on the table.

"thanks." i grabbed a piece of toast and held it in between my lips while sliding my bag over my shoulder, "but no thanks, gotta run."

and like that, i was gone.

the school was a two minute walk, i passed other houses like anubis on my way but it was still slightly dark that morning as it was still winter.

the headmaster was sold at the top of the steps by the doors looking down at me as i approached him. "hey." i greeted, finally reaching him.

"is that all i get?"

"it's all you deserve after leaving us." i retorted, "so just get on with it."

"okay, now. fabian rutter from your house will help you around so you don't get lost, you have lessons with most of the students from anubis and that's it."

"you called me here at half seven in the morning for that eric?"

"dear please don't call me that call me mr sweet or-or even better-"

"dad? is that what you want? well forget it, eric." my voice rumbled, staring at him dead in the eye. "anything else?"

"no, but you're free to sit in where the students lounge in between lessons, it's down the hall and the last door on your left."

i didn't reply and just followed the directions. the room had a stage and small green sofas, surrounded by beanbags.

a sat down in a huff, pulling my phone out at texting alex once again.

y/n:my dad is a total ass and i want to come home

alex:what's happened now?

y/n:i woke up this morning and someone had drawn on my hip in permanent marker or something, everyone saw parts of my underwear when i lifted the shirt up and nod to top it all off eric asked me to cal him dad

alex:britain, so exiting

y/n: come and get me

alex:wish i could, i've got to go, it's ten p.m

i sat and waited for the first bell to ring, the sound of chatter filled the building as students poured in.

and the. the first bell rang, my first official day of british, boarding school.

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