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[i don't want to be here]

the blonde clapped as if i had done a massive speech, she soon stopped and wondered why no one else was clapping.

"thank you doll." i smiled at her nicely, she was dressed in pink, shiny clips held a hand full of hair back on one side of her head and her earring hung low, shining like her clips.

sooner everyone began talking again, keeping to certain groups around the table, the blonde was discussing something with the other blonde boy beside her, while the boy beside me had his head burred into a book, stealing glances at me every once in a while. two dark haired girls seems to be discussing a blog on the other side of me, while my brother and patricia seemed to be having a quiet but heated conversation on the other side of the tabled. and one last boy seems to be enjoying his food so much he hadn't been able to get a word out.

"alfie." the blonde girl squealed, "would you please learn some manners."

"amber you don't get to tell me what to do anymore, we broke up!" the boy yelled, mouth still half full.

the other boy tried to intervene, "i think it would be best if you two tried counselling, it could help with-"

"shut up jerome!" alfie and amber shouted in unison, before continuing to argue.

my brother had disappeared into the hall with his girlfriend, seeming to make me less irritated as her presence was no longer here.

the two girls beside me continued to discuss their so called blog, one wanting to expose while the other just wanting to write about boring, article stuff.

"joy you cant just write about people without telling them, it's violation of privacy." one of the girls sighed.

"mara, loosen up, who is going to want to ready about boring stuff, like what's on the lunch menu this week?" the other argued, a strong tone in her voice.

but the boy beside me was still silent, i glances over at his book and saw he was reading about, egyptian gods? "who's your favourite?" i questioned,

he looked up and stared at me for a moment, "my favourite?"

"your favourite god? you know sobek, neith, horus..." i continued, still waiting on his answer.

"i-i don't actually know, i never thought of it." his voice was quiet, "how about you?"

"sekhmet or hathor probably, both goddesses." i nod, "i used to read about egyptian mythology all the time, i would drive eddie nuts."

"so you're smart?"

"not smart, just interested." i grinned, "so what's your name? seen as i never asked."

"fabian." he began to blush, "fabian rutter."

"god, you sounded just like james bond." i laughed, he chuckled. "i let you get on with your reading, but if you need any help, feel free to ask."

soon after, i had finished, slumping down on the leather sofa and opening my laptop. clicking my earphones in and coming everyone out.

alex: don't be such a drama queen y/n i'm sure it isn't even that bad

y/n: easy for you to say, you aren't here, alex i already poured a jug of gravy over my brothers girlfriend after she poured water all over me

alex: and why would she do that may i ask?

y/n: maybe because she is some psychotic bitch. but actually, she thought i was flirting with eddie, gross. oh and to make matters worse, guess who had a white top on

alex:no you didn't! but still, do they have british accents and are there any hot ones

y/n: alex, i'm not interested in getting some british boyfriend , but yeah they all have the accents so i can't understand some things they say

alex:well just keep an eye out okay, and don't fuck up

y/n: i won't, love youu!

alex:love you too you idiot!

i continued to type on my computer when i felt the sofa dip beside me, i turned to see the blonde boy they called jerome earlier, with a smug look on his face.

"hello gorgeous." he grinned cheekily,

"not interested." i sigh, putting my ear phone back in.

"okay, let's start again, i'm jerome."

"hi jerome."

"jerome." he repeated in my accent. "hey y/n."

"y/n." i did the same as him, putting on the best british accent i could do but failing miserably. "what do you want?"

"you seem different." he smirked, "a good different, i like it."

"well jerome." i took both earphones out to turn to him, "you seem annoying, a bad annoying, i don't like it." i stood up, "see ya."

"and what are you going to do now, just sit upstairs and do nothing?" he asked, "sit back down y/n, you know you want to."

"sitting upstairs and doing nothing sounds quite fun, i might try it." i smiled boldly before walking towards the doors when i heard arguing from the other side.

my brother and his girlfriend were still arguing. "just say you're sorry."

"eddie! i don't apologies." i heard her rumble, as i pressed my ear against the door.

amber hand spotted me and began doing the same thing, whe stood listening when fabian's voice was heard, "patricia, no one has known this much since nina, and i don't even think she knew this much, we might need her."

amber pushed the doors open and the two of us fell into the room. "now, i'm a bit insulted i wasn't invited to this conversation, but we need who and for what?"

fabian briefly lifted his hand over one of his eyes before instantly dropping it to his side. "oh goodness, y/n they are um-having problems and fabian and i need to help, please excuse us."

i watched the four run to fabian's room, leaving me stood in the hall. turning back to my seat, jerome's smug smile made me want to turn back around and go upstairs but i was too interested in what they were just talking about.

"welcome my darling." jerome greeted, his arm was stretched against the back of the sofa and his legs rested on the coffee table in front.

"do you know what going on with them?" i question.


"eddie, his girlfriend, amber and fabian, something's not right. and i'm going to find out what."

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