e i g h t e e n

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[wishes do come true]

"rufus! let us out!" we yelled, jerome and i continued to slam our fists against the wooden door but it didn't make a difference.

"you're not going to get away with this!" fabian shouted over our yells, "we know it's you."

"let us out!"

after a few more seconds we gave up on the door and began to panic. "there's no way we can get out of here, the windows are barred."

"once again agent millington steps up to the plate," amber began to pull out the second and finally bobby pin out of her hair, "what would you do without me? this is my last one." she handed it to me softly. "you can use it to pick the locks, just keep me away from all cameras and mirrors upon our exit."

"yeah thanks amber but the locks are on the other side of the door." fabian retorted bitterly.

"this is all my fault." trudy looked down at the floor disappointedly, "i put you all in danger."

"technically true." jerome stared before i walked him in the chest and gave him a dirty look.

"trudy we would never leave you."

"we are all in this together."

"actually." jerome began, "if it comes to it i am happy for all of us to get out separately."

"jerome, shut up." i growled. "you know you wouldn't be able to get out yourself anyway, you need brains for that."

"says you miller."

"man up clark."

not long later, while we were hanging on all the doors and pulling at anything we could trudy had heard an engine.

"it's rufus." fabian panicked, "he's back."

"it doesn't sound like his car."

"it's getting closer."

"too close."

in the last second fabian pulled amber to one side while jerome grabbed me tightly and pulled me to the other. the door came crashing down.

"yes!" alfie yelled while sat on top of a red tractor.

"i knew you could do it!" amber cheered.

i still hugged jerome tightly, still in shock but my eyes narrowed downwards the the crushed doll house and trudy's body beneath the wooden door.

"trudy!" everyone yelled upon seeing the woman, we knelt around her as she groaned lightly.

alfie sighed in relief when she showed signs of being alive. alfie, fabian and amber pulled the door upwards while jerome and i helped the woman up.

"where am i?" trudy asked,

"my doll house!" amber gasped, looking sadly towards the now crushed pieces of wood.


now back at the house, jerome and fabian had each of trudy's arms wrapped around their shoulders while amber and i got pillows to lie her head on.

"where am i? why am i on the sofa?" trudy questioned. "why are you all staring at me?"

"don't you remember?"

"remember what?"

"will someone please tell me what is going on." victor ordered, "trudy what happened?"

"you were going for a walk in the woods..."fabian began. "and there was uhh..uhh..a big branch. the branch fell on you. don't you remember?"

"maybe?" trudy cringed, "oh i don't know, is that what happened?"



we all agreed one after another before victor knelt in front of her. "what exactly happened?"

"don't bother her with questions." vera sat in front of the woman as we all scowled cowards the blonde witch.

"let last thing i remember was..." she raised her finger and pointed it towards vera, "who won the bake off?"

"oh, oh." vera giggled, "you did dear, it was a triumph."

"how good." trudy smiled, "thank you."


"no, no, no what is this?" alfie panicked, "right here, where this table is, there should be food!"

"where is vera?" i asked, "it's not like her to be even ten seconds late, for anything."

"maybe we should go and see if she's alright."

"oh." trudy was grinning widely upon entering the room. "no vera? i'll make breakfast, least i can remember how to do that."

"trudy, you should be resting." we protested,

"no." alfie disagreed, "it's a great way to recover, familiarity and pancakes and stuff. trudy you remember how i like my bacon right?"

"uh where is vera?" victor asked the room. we all shrugged as victor began to yell her name and search for her around the house.

everyone now grouped at breakfast, "so what are we going to do about these reflectors?"

"i have no idea, if victor has three what are we meant to do?"

"thank you." i whispered to jerome,

"for?" he asked confused,

"saving me from that falling door." i continue, "it could of been me that lost my memory."

"i would of done it for most people so don't sweat it." he huffed with a grin before taking a bit out of his bacon sandwich.

"morning." eddie waves entering the room, "i'll see you guys later, i'm going to go and see hugh."

"so how are we going to get the watch and the two other reflectors from victor's office?" fabian asked the group of sibunas after the other students had left.

"how do we usually get something we want off of victor?"

"ransack his office." alfie said excitedly,

"which would mean, getting him out of the way and we have class in five minutes."

"well look whatever it is it has to be good, i mean victor never just goes out." fabian stated.

seconds later the older man entered the room, "trudy, trudy i'm just going out!" he announced as the rest of us turned back to one another and smiled brightly.

"and i want to be a millionaire." alfie wished,

"i'm not sure when i'll be back, but i'm sure it won't be until later tonight."

"okay." i began, "let's do it."

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