Chapter 5

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Jack plops down next to me on the couch to watch our ratings being broadcasted, but I inch away from him. He gives me a look that reads, 'we'll talk later.'

"Okay, you lovebirds ready to see your scores?" Haymitch asks, taking a seat in between us. For once I'm glad Haymitch exists to break the tension. The music of the Capitol plays, announcing the live broadcast. We watch it intently.  Mandolyn gets an amazing score of 10/13, and I fight the urge to clap. Ryker, her brother, only receives a 5/13, and I can weirdly feel the tension growing between them. District 1 and 2 pass, and District 4 starts with Zunti, who receives an 11/13. I feel my chest go tight. I have to get more than that, I think. Caroline gets a score of 12/13, which is amazing. This time I actually do clap for her. I clench my fists as Dracon receives a score of 11/13, and I smile slightly. The Bright siblings both pass with a 7/13, and Lila passes with a 10/13. District 8, 9, 10, and 11 go too slowly, and my face finally shows on the screen. I hold my breath. 13/13. How? 

"That's wrong," I think aloud. "I can't have a perfect score. It's unheard of..." I turn to Haymitch. "right?" 

"Not until now! Now shut up about your perfect score, Jack's is about to be announced." 

Jack get a score of... 5/13. His face drops. I can tell he's upset, but I can't comfort him. I just can't. I push that thought out of my head as Eve receives a 10/13. I smile. I know I've chosen the right allies, and I've beaten Dracon. 

* * *

"Hello, I'm Berion, your stylist." The man standing in the doorway smiles, and takes a leather-bound sketchbook from his pocket. His dark purple hair is pulled up into a bun, and his startlingly blue eyes twinkle with mischievous delight. I smile back and stride towards him. I lean over his shoulder to see his plans for my dress, but he quickly closes the book and says, "It's a surprise. But I'll explain to you the basics." He then launches into how the dress will be completely black, and in honor of my mother and the Rebellion, it would light on fire. He said he would use Cinna's old prototype of the fake flames. As he measures me, Berion tries to start a conversation about my perfect score.

"How'd you achieve it?" He asks while measuring the length of my arms.

"I don't really know. I guess what I did really impressed them," I say sheepishly.

"What did you do?"

"Well, um... I lit an arrow on fire and shot it at a chink in the armor."

"A 'chink in the armor'?"

"You know, a flaw in the force field. My mother taught me about them. Anyway, I shot the arrow at the chink in the armor, and the... the uh... the entire force field caught on fire."

"Wow. That is impressive. How'd you come up with it?" He starts looping velvety black fabric over my arms and legs.

"It wasn't my idea," I say quickly. "My friend Caroline WiManka from District 5 came up with it. She's quite brilliant."

"Well, give her my praise." He makes a quick scribble in his sketchbook and puts the fabric away. "I'll see you tomorrow to try on the dress. I do hope you like it," he says softly.

"I bet I will," I say warmly.

* * *

I want to tell Berion. I want to tell him how beautiful the dress is. I want to tell him how light and airy the velvety fabric is, how well it fits, how amazing it makes me look. Instead, all that comes out of my mouth is, "Wow."

"Do you like it?" He asks nervously.

"Of-of course!" I manage to stutter. "It-it fits perfectly."

"I'm glad! Now, press this button when you're ready." He hands me a small black button. On it, a small version of the Mockingjay pin is painted.

"What will it do?"

"Just trust me," he says, and just then Jack walks in to meet us.

"Damn. You look... amazing," Jack says to me. I ignore him. I want to tell him the same. He's in a sort of suit made with the same velvet fabric. He's got a gold wreath around his head, just like mine. I notice that Berion doesn't give him a button. We head to the chariots, and I take a deep breath. Jack offers his hand to help me up, but I refuse it. I catch him staring at Zunti, who is in a beautiful dress that seems like it's made entirely out of water. I suddenly feel envious of her natural beauty. I look away from her and catch a glance of Mandolyn who is in a dress seemingly made of stone. I look more and see Lila in a dress made of moss and bark. But the last girl I see is Eve. Her hair is tied in a braid, and her dress is a fiery red. She catches my eye and smiles nervously. 

* * * 

"Welcome! Welcome, Tributes! Welcome to the Last Hunger Games!" Calls the Head Gamemaker to all of us. "My name is Gale Hawthorne, and I must say, all of us Gamemakers were very impressed with the Tribute's chosen skills, and can't wait to see how they will do in the Arena!" I catch my mother's eye in the crowd. She looks angry, and sad at the same time. I don't know what she's mad about, but I'm smart enough to know that my mother rarely gets mad at anything. I wish I knew what was going on inside her head.

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