Chapter 8

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Tigerlily and I meet eyes, and she races for the green backpack I had my eyes on. I do what Peeta suggested. Run from the Cornucopia as fast as I can. I know I shouldn't look back, but I do anyway and see Ryker Evensong and Tigerlily fighting over the backpack. A few minutes later, the cannon sounds the death of a Tribute. I can only guess who that was. My first thought is to find Zunti. She's fearless and strong, so I know exactly where she is. I'll just have to wait for her to leave the cornucopia bloodbath. The snow crunches under my feet as I run, and for a split second I think maybe the snow is real and I can melt it for water. But I know the Gamemakers aren't that stupid. I find a high tree, climb up into it, and just sit for a while, thinking. 'what's my next move?' and, 'where are the careers?', and, 'will I ever find Zunti?'. I guess I fall asleep, because I'm awakened by music, announcing the fallen tributes.

District one: Ryker Evensong

District three: Jayde Znathro

District seven: Xantho McSenia

District nine: Danti and Fanei Growno

District ten: Jackolyn Alli

District eleven: Rexa Eltemen

District thirteen: Ethan Dornas

Surprisingly, a career is already dead, and I know exactly who killed him. The light fleece jumpsuit I have on barely keeps me warm, but I know I'll be able to handle it. I realize I should probably make a weapon, so I grab a long stick and start to rub it against the rough tree bark. Just as the tip of my soon-to-be spear starts to sharpen, I hear someone coming. I hold my breath and hope they don't see me... but then they call my name.

"Zunti!" I say as loudly as possible. She looks up and smiles.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Zunti grabs the lowest branch on the tree and starts to climb. I notice she has something attached to her belt... something silver.

"Hey, when you come up," I say. "Can I borrow your dagger?"

"Yeah sure," She says as she sits down on the branch next to me. Zunti pulls the dagger from her belt. It's caked with dried blood.


"Xantho McSenia. District Seven. Mandolyn Evensong's boyfriend." She hands me the dagger and I start to carve at my spear.

"We need to watch out for Everdeen."

"Don't call her that," I snap, not meaning too.

"What did you say?" Zunti asks, trying to keep her cool.

"Tigerlily doesn't like it when people call her Everdeen. She doesn't like to be known for something her parents were."

"Shhhhhh!" Zunti suddenly says, dropping her voice down to a whisper.

"Wha-" she places a finger on my lips. We look down from our branches and catch sight of Mandolyn Evensong, Caroline WiManka, Candace Muncio, Eve Laria, Lila Mason, and... Tigerlily. The six of them take seats on the snowy ground. Tigerlily opens the green backpack and pulls out a blanket, a dagger, some rope, a spool of string, and binoculars. I see that Tigerlily isn't the only one in their group who got a backpack. Lila Mason got one with a pair of axes, a sleeping bag, and another pair of binoculars (what is up with the binoculars?). Carolline WiManka has the same as Tigerlily's, along with a pocketwatch.

"We could kill one of them," Zunti breaths.

"No," I breathe back. "I want to see how they handle things."

Tigerlily lays down the blanket on the ground and says something to their group. Then all of them lay down on the blanket while Mandolyn tries to start a fire with the fire starter she grabbed from the Cornucopia. Candace Muncio offers to help, but Mandolyn shoos her away. We watch them for about an hour. Then, around 10:00, I catch sight of another person. They weave through the trees, and I see that they have a bow and quiver. Mandolyn is on guard duty while everyone else sleeps, and I want to warn her, but sound won't come from my mouth. Besides, the person would know where we were, too. The person sneaks up on Mandolyn, an arrow at the ready. They step into the light and I see their face: green hair, pointed teeth, forked tongue.

"I know you're there," Mandolyn says, and in one swift movement, she pulls out a knife and reflects Dracon Hema's arrow. "You're not as stealthy as you think." She lunges at him, knife at the ready, but he thrusts an arrow through her chest. She squeaks and falls to the ground. Just as the others start to wake up, Dracon leaves the scene. Eve is the first to catch sight of Mandolyn. She rushes to her side, and the cannon fires; Mandolyn Evensong is dead. 

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